For those new to Ionic app development, a high-level understanding of the core concepts and tools behind the project helps. Read to learn more about Ionic API.
\system\bin这个目录下的文件都是系统的本地程序,从bin文件夹名称可以看出是binary二进制的程序,里面主要是Linux系统自带的组件,主要文件简单的分析介绍: \system\bin\akmd \system\bin\am \system\bin\app_process 系统进程 \system\bin\dalvikvm Dalvik虚拟机宿主 \system\bin\dbus-daemon 系统BUS总线监控 \syste...
The Ionic CLI is the preferred method of installation, offering a wide range of dev tools and help options. Guides Follow our documentation on how to build stunning UIs and go from zero to app in minutes. Components Explore over 100 UI components that let you to quickly construct stunning in...
\system\app\HTMLViewer.apk HTML查看器 \system\app\HTMLViewer.odex \system\app\IM.apk 即使通讯组件包含MSN、yahoo通 \system\app\ImCredentialProvider.apk \system\app\ImProvider.apk \system\app\ImProvider.odex \system\app\Launcher.apk 启动加载器 \system\app\Launcher.odex \system\app\Maps.apk 电...
1.用Java语言编写一些规范化的模块封装成框架,供APP层开发者调用开发出具有特殊业务的手机应用。 2.用Java Native Interface调用core lib层的本地方法,JNI的库是在Dalvik虚拟机启动时加载进去的,Dalvik会直接去寻址这个JNI方法,然后去调用。 2种方式的结合达到了Java方法和操作系统的相互通信。Android为什么要用Java编...
The Ionic CLI is the preferred method of installation, offering a wide range of dev tools and help options. Guides Follow our documentation on how to build stunning UIs and go from zero to app in minutes. Components Explore over 100 UI components that let you to quickly construct stunning in...
The Ionic CLI is the preferred method of installation, offering a wide range of dev tools and help options. Guides Follow our documentation on how to build stunning UIs and go from zero to app in minutes. Components Explore over 100 UI components that let you to quickly construct stunning in...
The Ionic CLI is the preferred method of installation, offering a wide range of dev tools and help options. Guides Follow our documentation on how to build stunning UIs and go from zero to app in minutes. Components Explore over 100 UI components that let you to quickly construct stunning in...
The Ionic CLI is the preferred method of installation, offering a wide range of dev tools and help options. Guides Follow our documentation on how to build stunning UIs and go from zero to app in minutes. Components Explore over 100 UI components that let you to quickly construct stunning in...
一、背景调试framework 代码有几种方式: 利用Android Studio, 利用Android源码下的development/tools/idegen/ 生成android.iml, android.ipr 等AS工程文件,构建调试环境利用Android官网提供的ASFP(Android Stud…