const handleAnimationComplete = (index: number) => { if (animationState !== "shuffling") return; // 最後のカードのアニメーションが終わったら `onAnimationEnd` を呼び出す if (index === totalCards - 1) { onAnimationEnd(); } }; ... <motion.div ... onAnimationComplete={() => ...
Framer Motion has changed a lot since I last wrote about it. So much so that I recently got a bit lost trying to build a specific layout animation and my own blog post that actually looked into this specific type of animation was far from helpful 😅. Despite the updated section I adde...
我正在使用framer-motion来为页面中的多个元素添加动画效果。由于framer-motion没有一种简单的方法在元素进入视口后对其进行动画,因此我使用了以下方法: const controls = useAnimation(); const { ref, inView } = useInView(); useEffect(() => { if (inView) { controls.start("visible"); } if (!in...
A Food Sharing platform where users can add and share foods. Build using react, firebase, express, mongoDB, JWT - implemented framer motion page transition animation and cleaned code · Mahin-Hasan/ShareBite-Client@b98301f
height animation reactjs framer-motion Ari*_*dam lucky-day 2推荐指数 1解决办法 4372查看次数 NextJS - Framer-Motion 页面转换不触发 由于某种原因,我的 NextJS 页面转换与框架运动似乎不起作用。我遵循了很多教程并做了很多研究,但它仍然不起作用。这是我的_app.tsx代码。 import '../styles/globals...
export default function ProjectCard({ card: { img, title, desc, demo, source }, }) { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true) const thumbnail = { backgroundImage: `url(${img})`, } const LoadingAnimation = () => { return ( <AnimatePresence> {isLoading && ( <motion.div...
In a test, I did replace the domAnimation in the ripple effect by a dynamic port and Vite did split the 212 KB framer-motion chunk into 59 KB to be loaded initially and a large 150 KB (or 45 KB with Brotli) chunk that can be loaded asynchronously. I feel that this is a huge ...
node onestep react vite typescript animation framermotion tailwind matrialUI matrialUIicons parsa_bordbar •1.0.6•a year ago•0dependents•ISCpublished version1.0.6,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $ISC 15
initial={{scale:0.7}}animate={{scale:1.7}}transition={{type:"tween",duration:"2",delay:"1"}}>This is a motion h4</motion.h4> Copy While this works, thevariantsprop in Framer Motion enables us to extract our animation definitions into a variants object. Not only dovariantsmake our code...
type:"spring", damping:32, stiffness:500 } }, exit: { y:"200%", } } Return a motion.div component wrapped by a Backdrop component with a "variants" prop pointing to the variants object. Variants are a set of predefined animation states that the component could be in. ...