1.2.6 将文件导入Figma •本地Figma文件的扩展名为.fig。 •Figma支持直接导入的文件有:Sketch文件、.fig文件、图片文件(PNG、JPG和GIF)。 •复制为SVG:可以从打开的Illustrator、Sketch、Adobe XD软件中,将想导入的矢量图形通过“复制为SVG”的方式直接粘贴到Figma页面中。 .fig文件的导入方法和Sketch文件的导...
步骤01打开Figma主页面,单击项目Learn,然后单击页面右上角的“New File”(新建文件)按钮 ,再选择“New design file”(新设计文件),如图1-28所示。 图1-28 新建文件 步骤02Figma会在当前窗口中新建一个名为Untitled的设计文件,单击“Untitled”(无标题)可以对它进行重命名操作,如图1-29所示。 图1-29 新创建的...
Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get started with a free account → Tags #copy#design#design tools#export#framer#html#import#importer#import figma#no code#paste#website Share For Figma Unknown network access Last updated 9 days ago Support: figma@framer.com ...
Figma Mobile App UI Design Free Music Player Figma Mobile App UI Design Free FRAMER DISCOUNT Host your website on Framer Enjoy3 months freeon yourPro Annual Subscriptionwhen you sign up on Framer. Simply enter the codepartner25proyearlyat checkout. ...
可以看到最明显的地方是:上面分成了 Design 和 Code 两个 Tab。 1.图形设计的强化(Design Tab) △ Interface design, the way its meant to be. 让界面设计变回它本该有的样子。Framer “摒弃”了以往一进来就招呼你写代码的左边编辑器、右边预览图的界面,第一次将界面构建跟代码完全分离,它变得更像 Sketch...
Turn your ideas into a fully functional, responsive, no-code SaaS website in just minutes with the set of free components for Framer and Figma.
Framer is a design and prototyping tool that enables users to create interactive and responsive web and mobile applications. It combines design, collaboration, and code in one platform, allowing designers and developers to work together seamlessly. Framer offers a range of features, including customiza...
Framer is packed with powerful features, making it easy to grow and expand your website to fit your needs. Design Framer offers a design experience like Figma, complete with an infinite canvas and a full suite of layout, styling and text features. Beyond that, it supports web-specific capabi...
支持从Sketch、PS、Figma导入设计。 目前支持将设计导入代码模式中设置交互和动画。 切换到代码模式,打开设计文件,点击 Framer 左下角的 的Import按钮,然后会弹出一个窗口,选择要导入哪个文件,选择设计倍数。 选择图层 Select Layers Framer 把设计文件中所有图层组转换为 Frame 中的图层组。在 Sketch 中给需要的图层...
figma, complete with an infinite canvas and a full suite of layout, styling and text features. beyond that, it supports web-specific capabilities that traditional design tools can’t support. style everything using familiar, easy-to-use property controls. style everything using familiar, easy-to...