程序集: Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.ContentModerator.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.ContentModerator v2.0.0 获取或设置帧的时间戳。 C# 复制 [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="Timestamp")] public string Timestamp { get; set; } 属性值 String 属性 Newtonsoft.Json....
GetFrameFromFrameHandle GetFrameLength GetFrameMacHeaderLength GetFrameMacType GetFrameNumber GetFrameRecognizeData GetFrameSrcAddressOffset GetFrameStoredLength GetFrameTimeStamp GetPreviousProtocolOffsetByName GetProperty GetPropertyInfo GetPropertyText
I've been looking all over the place but so far I haven't found a trivial way to grab ARView's current timestamp. So basically the elapsed time since the scene started rendering. I can access that in the Surface and Geometry shaders but I would like to pass a timestamp as a parame...
By using per-bin timestamp values to generate timestamp values for intra-frame timestamp requests, intra-frame timestamps may be supported by a graphics system that performs tile-based rendering.FRASCATI Christopher PaulGANGANI Hitendra Mohan
ARFrame.Timestamp EigenschaftReferenz Feedback DefinitionNamespace: ARKit Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll Ein Zeitraum in Sekunden mit einer Genauigkeit unter millisekunden, der die Erfassungszeit des Frames angibt. C# Kopieren public virtual double Timestamp { [Foundation.Export("timestamp")] get; ...
The GetFrameTimeStamp function returns the time stamp of a given frame.Copy __int64 WINAPIGetFrameTimeStamp(HFRAMEhFrame); ParametershFrame [in] Handle to the frame.Return ValuesIf the function is successful, the return value is the time stamp of the frame — in microseconds.If...
data frame timestamp转化为float 如果你想将Pandas DataFrame中的timestamp列转换为float类型,可以使用pandas.to_datetime函数将其转换为timestamp对象,然后使用values属性将其转换为浮点数数组。以下是一个示例代码: Pythonimport pandas as pd #创建一个包含timestamp列的DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame({'timestamp': ...
FrameTiming.frameStartTimestamp public ulong frameStartTimestamp ; 説明 This is the CPU clock time of the time when the frame was started. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page Copyright © 2023 Unity Technologies. Publication 2022.1 チュ...
To extract the 3D displacements of structures using a camera network, it is essential to know the frame timestamps. However, technical constraints in outdoor conditions can make synchronous frame acquisition impossible. This study aims to reconstruct the timestamps of frames during post-processing ...
A sub-frame timestamp reconstruction of a camera network is proposed.Asynchronous frame timestamps are reconstructed using a coded light signal.Experimental tests are performed on laboratory and on a large-scale structure.Uncertainty is assessed for different camera exposure times and frame rates.Time...