In some example embodiments, a system and method is shown that includes receiving a text request that includes an identifier value that identifies a text-based description associated with a portion of digital content that is part of a larger portion of digital content. Further, the method includes...
Text Encryption Based on Pixel Value Difference of Video FrameAbd UL Sahib, Huda GhazieAli Khodher, Maisa'a AbidJournal of College of Education
Schwartz, DavidLiterature Film Quarterly
Predictive Analysis for Optimal Text Visibility: A Comprehensive Study on Frame-of-Interest Prediction in Book Digitization Videosdoi:10.5829/ije.2024.37.11b.11Buddhawar, G.Dave, D.Jariwala, K. N.Chattopadhyay, C.International Journal of Engineering Transactions B: Applica...
Autobiographical narrative interviews with people of two age groups who grew up or were socialised at the former inner-German border serve as a basis for this.Palliwoda, NicoleSauer, VerenaSauermilch, StephanieLinguistik Online