A tiny plugin that allows you to turn rectangles into frames. ⭐️ How it works: Sometimes you create a rectangle as a background for something, and then you place some items on top and wish you created a frame in the first place. This plugin allows
Frame 就类似 HTML 中的 div, 它和形状 rectangle 特性上蛮相识的, 但是使用场景其实差很多, 所以不要搞错哦. (除了图片很少会用到 rectangle 的) Keyboard F 或者右上角选 Frame 就可以画出一个 frame 了. Frame 基本配置 上面是 frame 的全部基本配置. 我们一个一个看. 第1 个是可以选常用的 frame 尺...
This is a Figma Community plugin. Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get started with a free account → Tags #convert#frame#productivity#rectangle#workflow Share For Figma No network access Last updated 4 months ago Support: tomheliere9@gmail.com Licensed under ...
tkinter throwing Frame Not Found for figma design that has frame#333 Closed vincentperezzzcommentedOct 25, 2023 Creating Element { name: rectangle, type: rectangle } Creating Element { name: this is a test, type: text } Creating Element { name: button, type: group } ...
Create hand-drawn wireframe in your design. Supported object: - Rectangle - Circle - Line MAGIC CONVERT convert your design directly to a hand-drawn sketch Supported object: - Text - Rectangle - Circle - Line
For rectangle nodes or frame-like nodes using different individual stroke weights, this property will return figma.mixed. For rectangle nodes or frame-like nodes, individual stroke weights can be set for each side using the following properties: strokeTopWeight strokeBottomWeight strokeLeftWeight strok...