3.0 V 0 4.0 0.6 4.7 0.6 0 100 4.0 0.6 4.7 1.3 50 400 kHz µs µs ns ns µs us 250 tSP Pulse duration of spikes suppressed by input filter UCGLITx = 1 UCGLITx = 2 2.2 V, 3.0 V 25 12.5 125 ns 62.5 UCGLITx = 3 6.3 31.5 UCCLTOx = 1 27 tTIMEOUT Clock low time-...
Fan grill was also cleaned after each replacement of DC reference board, to make sure temperature delta stay same thru all comparisons. Normally 3458A with clean filter and good fan have ~11-14 °C difference between internal temperature, such as reported byTEMP? reading and ambient room temper...
3.0 V 0 4.0 0.6 4.7 0.6 0 100 4.0 0.6 4.7 1.3 50 400 kHz µs µs ns ns µs us 250 tSP Pulse duration of spikes suppressed by input filter UCGLITx = 1 UCGLITx = 2 2.2 V, 3.0 V 25 12.5 125 ns 62.5 UCGLITx = 3 6.3 31.5 UCCLTOx = 1 27 tTIMEOUT Clock low time-...
At first, each sample was passed through Grade 4 filter, and then filtrate was passed through GF/B filter (two filters per sample). To avoid cross-contamination, all sampling and filtration equipment were washed with 100% ethanol before the filtering of each sample. All filters were stored ...