BegleitverletzungenIn a high percentage the accompanying local injuries in Colles' type fractures of the distal radius are related to lesions of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) and the distal radioulnar joint (DRUG). Frequency and importance of these local injuries concerning the long-...
Otto, W. Minimalinvasive Osteosynthesetechniken bei distalen Radiusfrakturen. Trauma Berufskrankh 2 (Suppl 1), S5–S7 (2000). Download citation Issue DateFebruary 2000 DOI Schlüsselwörter Geschlossene Reposition Ligamentotaxis...
Die retrospektive Untersuchung erfasst 42 Patienten, die wegen einer fehlverheilten distalen Radiusfraktur durch Korrekturosteotomie von palmar behandelt wurden. Von diesen Patienten konnten 31 klinisch und radiologisch nachuntersucht werden. Die Korrektur am distalen Radius erfolgte ausschließlich ...
Corrective osteotomy of the malunited distal radius following fracture was performed in six patients using virtual planning and computer-assisted surgery. Radius joint angles and ulnar variance were assessed by CT scan and compared with the uninvolved wrist. Dorsal tilt was improved by 6 degrees, rad...
Antisymmetric feature-guided ultrasonic waves in thin plates with small radius transverse bends from low-frequency symmetric axial excitation.WaveguidesFinite element methodsAcoustic wavesUltrasonicsEdge localized modesNot Availabledoi:10.1121/1.4817878NUGROHO, Ahmad Rizal Bayu...
The forms this inury takes lead us to recommend a system of classification which takes into consideration not only the simple fracture of the distal end of the radius but also associated injury of the distal ulna, the radiocarpal joint, the radio-ulnar joint, or the radio-ulnar syndesmosis....
Arthroskopieerweiterter Karpaltunnelzugangerweiterter FCR-Zugangdistaler Henry-ZugangTherapieintraartikul?re distale Radiusfrakturdoi:10.1055/a-1745-7699Prommersberger, Karl-JosefDimitrova, PolinaPillukat, ThomasMühldorfer-Fodor, MarionHandchirurgie Scan...
An unexpectedly high proportion of fractures of the distal end of the radius result in axial deformity and lack of function. Indication timing and technique for percutaneous fixation by means of Kirschner wires are compared with those for other methods of internal fixation after open reduction. If ...
skapholun?re BandverletzungComputertomografiedistales Radioulnargelenkintraartikul?re distale Radiusfrakturdoi:10.1055/a-1745-7328Prommersberger, Karl-JosefDimitrova, PolinaFodor, Stefan GeorgPillukat, ThomasMühldorfer-Fodor, MarionHandchirurgie Scan...
I. MehlingM. MeierU. SchlrH. KrimmerMehling I, Meier M, Schlör U, Krimmer H (2007) Multidirektionale winkelstabile Versorgung der instabilen distalen Radiusfraktur. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 39:29–33