closed fracture- an uncomplicated fracture in which the broken bones to not pierce the skin simple fracture fracture,break- breaking of hard tissue such as bone; "it was a nasty fracture"; "the break seems to have been caused by a fall" ...
agalactiae versus S. aureus implant-associated bone infection in mice. J. Orthop. Res. 39, 389–401 (2021). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Soe, Y. M., Bedoui, S., Stinear, T. P. & Hachani, A. Intracellular Staphylococcus aureus and host cell death pathways. Cell Microbiol. 23, e133...
[175,176]. Not only does low bone mass appear to “track”, but recurrent fractures are also more common in girls who have had fractures in childhood. In a 4-year longitudinal study, the risk of repeat fracture was three-fold greater than that for controls without this history[175]. ...
Bone is repaired much more easily than cartilage, why? Explain the causes of osteoporosis. Explain the difference in the healing speed of bone versus cartilage injury. Define and describe the three components of a long bone. What components would seem most likely to fracture when impacted by an...
Bala et al33queried the entire Medicare database from 2005 to 2012 to evaluate the impact of PTOA versus primary OA on postoperative outcomes after TKA. For PTOA, 3509 patients had TKA. For OA, 257,611 patients with TKA served as controls. PTOA patients were at higher risk for many, ...
Why is bone tissue organized differently in cortical versus trabecular bone?Would tissue damage increase or decrease if the oral cavity was lined with keratinized tissue? Explain.a. What are cranial bones? b. How many cranial bones are there? c. Name the c...
The object of treatment of a fracture is to restore the symmetry of the broken bone, because the primary cause of nonunion is separation of the fragments, and because deformity entails loss of function. To accomplish this object the meth... None - 《Journal of the American Medical Association...
Hand grip--a simple test for morbidity after fracture of the neck of femur Letter: The fate of simple bone cysts which fracture. Influence of simple fracture intersections with differing aperture on density-driven immiscible flow: Wetting versus nonwetting flows ...
(i.e. there is a broken bone within a significant soft tissue injury) I would initially apply a spanning external fixator. This will often require conversion to a formal open reduction and internal fixation. Initially this allows the soft tissues to either improve or declare themselves as non...
Characterization of splits in rubber parts--cryogenic versus melt flow-fronts The movement of weathering from the fracture plane into the till matrix may be similar to moving a weathering front from the surface downward into unweathered till. Mineralogy of weathered Wisconsinan till along a fracture...