Table 3 Distal radius fracture classification and characteristics Full size table In patients ≤ 15 years of age, 29.2% (7/24) developed DRF with a concomitant ipsilateral distal ulnar fracture and 71.4% (5/7) had a distal diaphyseal fracture of the ulna. Among patients > 15 years...
The most prevalent multiple fractures included: multiple radius and ulna fractures (11.8K), fractures occurring in multiple regions of the upper extremity (8.7K), or multiple regions in the forearm (8.4K). Tendon (0.6% overall; 8.2% in multiple finger fractures) or nerve injuries were rarely ...
Patients with multiple fractures had a significantly lower HSUV in comparison with patients with only one index fracture such as clavicle/scapula, radius/ulna, hand/foot, rib/sternum fracture. This finding is supported by a previous study showing that patients with multiple clinical fractures would ...
The system defines bones by number (1, humerus; 2, radius and ulna; 3, femur; 4, tibia and fibula; 5, spine, jaw, clavicle, and scapula; 6, pelvis and sacrum; 7, hand; 8, foot). • Nature of fracture is identified by letter (A, simple involving at least 90% of the cort...
·fracture locations included radius, ulna, clavicle, humerus, elbow, forearm, tibia, and fibula ·26.8% did not have severe enough pain to require analgesics and were excluded from modified intention-to-treat analysis ·pain assessed immediately before and 30 minutes after every dose on Revised ...
Distal radius 3 column anatomy: Radial column (strong cortical bone), Intermediate column (contains lunate facet and sigmoid notch); Distal ulna column (contains TFCC) (Rikle DA, JBJS 1996;78Br:588) inclination=23°,radial length=12mm, volar tilt=11° sensory branch of radial nerve becomes ...
Because we were interested in studying incident fracture events, patients were excluded if they had an inpatient or outpatient ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM diagnostic code for a previous fracture (ie, pelvis, hip, humerus, radius, or ulna) during the covariate assessment period. We also excluded ...
Secondary outcomes included the odds of site-specific fractures (humerus, radius or ulna, pelvis, hip, vertebrae, and total fractures) based on exposure to bariatric surgery. Fractures were defined using ICD-9 codes to identify humeral, radial and ulnar, pelvic, hip, and vertebral fractures (e...
This case report describes both median nerve laceration and bony entrapment of the nerve in a healing greenstick fracture of the proximal ulna.References (6) ME Jabaley et al. Internal topography of major nerves of the forearm and hand: A current view J Hand Surg (1980) JS Wolfe et al. ...