(110000)):: PPaallmmqqvviisstt ccrraacckkss eemmiittttiinngg ffrroomm VViicckkeerrss iinnddeennttaattiioonn,, wwhheerree aaiisstthheehhaalfl-fd-diaiaggoonnaallooffththeeininddeenntatatitoionnaannddl l==(c(1c1++cc22))//44 iiss tthhee aavveerraaggee length of the radial crraacckks...
In [28], the UFG structure formed in the Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-1Cr-1Fe metastable β-titanium alloy, with the help of radial shear rolling and subsequent aging, made it possible to increase high-cycle fatigue (HCF) by more than 30% on the basis of 107 cycles, compared to coarse-grained (...
Van de Ketterij and de Pater [15,16], developed and implemented the scaling laws in their fracturing experiments. They investigated the effects of fluid viscosity and injection rate on fracturing pressure; nevertheless, but they only modeled a deviated wellbore with an azimuth of 60◦ and an ...
ε= ε= θr hθ√r3 (1) (1) h3 where θ is the rotation angle, r is the radial distance to the disc center and h is the thickness (or whehiegrhet)θoisf tthhee droistact.ion angle, r is the radial distance to the disc center and h is the thickness (or height) of the disc...
The hoop stress σθ has a radial distribution (profile) such as that shown in the Figure. Such a distribution, whose maximum net value corresponds ntoetthseectniontchofttyhpeewAiraesn)d. WB,itmh areingtaaridnstoththeesatrmiaexisahliatpyefafcotrorevTe, rsyamvaplluees wofitthhesharp notches...