将“fracture de fatigue"翻译成中文 劳损性骨折, 疲劳性骨折, 劳损性骨折是“fracture de fatigue"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Les jeunes femmes qui font trop souvent de l’aérobic ou de la danse font plus de fractures de fatigue que les autres et risqueraient de souffrir d’ostéoporose ...
Therefore, the risk of oral stable iodine given for a limited period of time must be compared to...doi:10.1016/S0929-693X(96)89523-6M. VernisL. SorelT. de ChampchesnelA. C. AndlauerArchives De Pédiatrie
AFFs also have other radiographic characteristics of stress or fatigue fractures (straight fracture line perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bone, periosteal reaction at the fracture site). However, they differ from femoral stress fractures of athletes, which usually involve the medial, ...
Fatigue fractures involving the sacrum are extremely rare, and to our knowledge no occurrence of such a fracture in a child has been reported in the English-language literature. These fractures may mimic primary bone tumours or infection, and it is important to make an accurate diagnosis so that...
It is the only book to date on fatigue and fracture of fibre metal laminates (FMLs). The first section of the book provides a general background of the FML technology, highlighting the major FML types developed and studied over the past decades in conjunction with an overview of industrial ...
Fracture and fatigue of a self-healing polymer composite material Polymers are susceptible to damage in the form of cracks, which form deep within the structure where detection is difficult and repair is often impossible. For applications ranging from structural composites to microelectronics, once cra...
the course of crack propagation have been observed by virtue of the Scanning-electron-microscope(SEM),and the forming reasons of the fatigue fracture fractography is analyzed in order to afford the scientific accordance for safety design and reliability analysis of a structural member in the fatigue...
The fatigue fracture is the main failure mechanism of the bolts. Appearance of the micro-cracks in the thread tip of the fractured bolts makes the stress at the thread regions increase intensively so that the fatigue cracks initiated from the thread regions. Due to the presence of dynamic load...
Knowing that a pseudo-filling defect can be caused by a flow artifact should help to prevent misinterpretation of MRCP images.Sugita RSugimura EItoh MOhisa TTakahashi SFujita NAJR Am J RoentgenolInternational Journal of Fatigue
The cleavage stress, σf, was measured using either blunt notched specimens or fatigue precracked fracture toughness specimens. In blunt notched specimens, the Griffith and Owen solution was used to calculate the cleavage stress (Griffiths and Owen, 1971). In fracture toughness specimens, the ...