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Atlantic salmon pre-smolts were fed with these diets in comparison with a commercial-like control diet for eight weeks to investigate the effects of insect meals and fractions on the composition and predicted metabolic capacity of gut microbiota. The gut microbiota was profiled by 16S rRNA gene ...
However, no research on the distribution of Fe content in different fractions of goat milk and other milk was found in the literature. In the casein fraction, Fe is related to phosphoserine, and the change in its content after homogenization may be attributed to a change in casein structure,...
In order to study this as- pect further, supernatant and lysosomal fractions of normal human leukocytes were prepared on a rela- tively large scale from blood bank buffy coat and their transhydrogenase activities at pH 7.5 and 4.5 were compared. Results of these assays are shown in Table ...
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