本文主要介绍Shen Kaiming老师的论文《Fractional programming for communication systems—Part I: Power control and beamforming》所介绍的无线通信中遇到的多项分式规划求解方法。 在多用户(multi user)无线通信的系统优化设计中,经过遇到以下两类优化问题: 最大化系统和速率(Sum Rate)问题 max∑i=1nlog(1+γ...
This two-part paper develops novel methodologies for using fractional programming (FP) techniques to design and optimize communication systems. Part I of this paper proposes a new quadratic transform for FP and treats its application for continuous optimization problems. In this Part II of the paper...
The theory presented in Part I (Wen in J. Optim. Theory Appl. 2012) of this study led to a theoretical parametric procedure for continuous-time generalized fractional programming problems. In this paper (PartII), an interval-type computational procedure by combining the parametric method and ...
An introduction to ratio optimization problems is provided which covers various applications as well as major theoretical and algorithmic developments. In addition to an extensive treatment of single-ratio fractional programming, three types of multi-rat
Nevertheless, due to easy logic programming and higher accuracy, digital circuits attract more attention in practical engineering. So, the design of discrete-time memristor mathematical model may become another crucial way for the realization of memristor in the future. Recently, He et al. [19] ...
it should be mentioned that the methods (50) and (51) may be implemented through recursive programming in a way analogous to that presented in the reference [28]. Example 1. Let f be a function, with f ( x ) = − 85.86 x 14 + 19.3 x 13 − 92.34 x 12 + 3.13 x 11 + 64.7...
Integrated intelligence of neuro-evolution with sequential quadratic programming for second-order Lane–Emden pantograph models Math Comput Simul, 188 (2021), pp. 87-101 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [3] J.S. Wong On the generalized Emden–Fowler equation SIAM Rev, 17 (2) ...
This article presents a comprehensive literature survey on fractional-order optimal control problems. Fractional-order differential equation is extensively used nowadays to model real-world systems accurately, which exhibit fractal dimensions, memory effects, as well as chaotic behaviour. These versatile feat...
TI-84 Plus Programming code mcdougal littell integrated mathematics 3 practice problems advanced factoring in college algebra plug in quadratic formula sample questions of algebraic expressions simplify radicals, exponents, and negative exponents online calculator that solves venn diagrams algebra wi...
Chen, S.Q., Lü, X.: Adaptive network traffic control with approximate dynamic programming based on a non-homogeneous Poisson demand model. Transportmetrica B 12, 2336029 (2024) Google Scholar Download references Funding The authors thank the reviewers and editors for their valuable suggestions, ...