tot_v+=(1+(float)cur_w/c[maxi])*v[maxi]; } } printf("Filled the bag with objects worth %.2f$.\n",tot_v); } intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){ simple_fill(); return0; } $gccfractional_knapsack.c-ofractional_knapsack $ ./fractional_knapsack Added object5(10$, 4Kg)completelyinth...
Even the previously best known guarantee for the competitive ratio was worse than the best known for the integral problem in the popular random order model. We show that there is an algorithm for the online fractional knapsack problem that admits a competitive ratio of 4.39. Our result ...
Algorithm for fractional knapsack 1. W and item have value Viand weight Wi. 2. Rank item by value/weight ratio: Vi/Wi. 3. Thus : Vi/Wi= Vj/Wjfor all i<=Wj. 4. Consider items in order of descending ratio. 5. Take as much of each item is possible. 6. Assume value and weight...
In this paper, we design resource scheduling policies for supporting the efficient delivery of heterogeneous traffic in overload states of a cell. To this end, we cast the class-based bearer-level resource distribution problem as a Proportional Fractional Knapsack model. The objective of the ...
In particular, an object is fractionally placed in the knapsack only if its cost equals its benefit. The characterization is sharper than what is implied by strong duality. Practical conditions are then provided that guarantee the solution is unique. The results yield a simple criterion for when ...
Mohanty Bidhu B.Mathur Kamlesh, Ivancic Nancy J.Value considerations in three-dimensional packing - a heuristic procedure using the fractional knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research . 1994Mohanty B.B., Mathur K., Ivancic N.J. Value considerations in three-dimensional packing ...
Granmo O-C, Oommen BJ (2006) On allocating limited sam- pling resources using a learning automata-based solution to the fractional knapsack problem. In: Proceedings of the 2006 interna- tional intelligent information processing and web mining confer- ence (IIS:IIPW'06). Advances in soft ...
G. Olsen. Determining Optimal Polling Frequency Using a Learning Automata-based Solution to the Fractional Knapsack Problem. In Proceedings of theO.-C. Granmo, B.J. Oommen, S.A. Myrer and M.G. Olsen, "Determining Optimal Polling Frequency Using a Learning Automata-Based Solution to the ...