Fractional Exponents Are Disguised Radicals In mathematics,radicalsare roots, shown using the radical sign {eq}\sqrt{x} {/eq}. A root is the number used as a factor in a multiplication to get a certain value. The earlier exponent example showed that {eq}4^3\ =\ 64 {/eq}. The invers...
Also called "Radicals" or "Rational Exponents"Whole Number ExponentsFirst, let us look at whole number exponents:The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication.In this example: 82 = 8 × 8 = 64
You probably know that exponents and radicals can cancel each other out; for instance, the square of a square root of a number will give you that number as a result. The fractional powers, being radicals, work the same way, but when the radicals are converted to fractional powers, the ...
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In summary, fractional exponents are used in compound interest calculations. They are related to the physical world in that they represent a portion of an amount. Apr 27, 2018 #1 musicgold 304 19 Homework Statement What would have caused humans to come up with fractional exponent notations...
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