Fractional Exponents Are Disguised Radicals In mathematics, radicals are roots, shown using the radical sign x. A root is the number used as a factor in a multiplication to get a certain value. The earlier exponent example showed that 43 = 64. The inverse is also true, 643 = 4. In ...
How do you do fractional (or rational) exponents?To convert an expression from radical form to fractional (or rational) exponent form, you convert the n-th root to the 1n−thn1−th power. Working in the other direction, you convert the 1n−thn1−th1/n-th power to the n-th ...
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Converting Fractions to Percents Quiz Ch 3.High School Algebra: Calculations,... Ch 4.High School Algebra: Real... Ch 5.High School Algebra: Exponents and... Ch 6.High School Algebra: Properties of... Ch 7.High School Algebra: Radical... ...
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