You can use this to convert inches to decimal or millimeters. Inch fractions to the 1/64 of an inch and the equivalent decimal values in inches and metric values in millimeters Fraction(inches)Decimal(inches)Metric(millimeters) 1/64″ 0.015625″ 0.396875 mm 1/32″ 0.03125″ 0.79375 mm 3/...
Despite the availability of online decimal to fraction calculator programs, decimal to fraction tables provide a useful reference to change decimal to fraction measurements for common dimensions. Tables that show decimal to fraction inches are particularly useful to engineers, machinists and mechanics. Th...
Convert 0.875 decimal inches to inches (fraction form). Look down the decimal column until you find 0.875, then read to the left to find 7/8 inches or move to the right column to find the mm value! Practical fraction to decimal inches and millimeter conversion chartfraction...
- Work in and convert between all building dimensional formats: feet-inch-fractions, inch fraction, yards, decimal feet (10th, 100th), decimal inches and metric (km, m, cm, mm) - Multiple themes to choose from Enjoy the FREE Fraction calculator with, no ads, no prompts & if you like...
With a measurement range of 0-150mm, this caliper is capable of precise measurements, ensuring accuracy down to 0.01mm, or 0.0004 inches. **Versatile Measurement Options** The ET52 caliper is not just about precision; it's also about versatility. It features an inch/metric/fraction conversion...
• Units of measure include yd, ft, in, m, cm, mm • π as 22/7 or 'long click' π for 355/113 • Edit equation by clicking the term you want to edit. Then click the equation again to return to normal entry mode. • Operator edit: Click operator you want to edit, clic...
Convert Decimals to Fractions with 1/100,000 precision. Additionally, there is are the following Converters & Calculators • Flow Rate Conversion • Volume Flow Rate • Pressure Units • Temperature Conversion • Gauge Thickness Conversion(inches, mm, gauge size) Area Converters • Square...
MM, CM to inches conversion table MMCMApproximate Fractional InchesDecimal Inches 1 mm0.1 cm1/25 Inch0.03937 Inches 2 mm0.2 cm1/16 Inch0.07874 Inches 3 mm0.3 cm3/32 Inch0.11811 Inches 4 mm0.4 cm1/8 Inch0.15748 Inches 5 mm0.5 cm3/16 Inch0.19685 Inches ...
- Work in and convert between all building dimensional formats: feet-inch-fractions, inch fraction, yards, decimal feet (10th, 100th), decimal inches and metric (km, m, cm, mm) - Multiple themes to choose from Enjoy the FREE Fraction calculator with, no ads, no prompts & if you like...
- Work in and convert between all building dimensional formats: feet-inch-fractions, inch fraction, yards, decimal feet (10th, 100th), decimal inches and metric (km, m, cm, mm) - Multiple themes to choose from Enjoy the FREE Fraction calculator with, no ads, no prompts & if you like...