We are taught to use fractions in school, but their presence is constant throughout all fields of mathematics and sciences. Writing fractions inside a LaTeX document is straightforward: you just have to use the \frac{}{} command in math mode: The first argument of this command is the ...
String toLatex(showMixed=false)Generates an exact LaTeX representation of the actual object. You can see a live demo on my blog.The optional boolean parameter indicates if you want to show the a mixed fraction. "1 1/3" instead of "4/3"...
You can install the current version (along with the vignette) using the command remotes::install_github("mskcc/facets",build_vignettes=TRUE) pctGCdata is a required package. So install that also (needs to be done only once) remotes::install_github("mskcc/pctGCdata") ...
Try adjusting the tolerance value on the BTOL command to some fraction of the minimum keypoint distance.Model Size (current problem) 3.000150e+000, current BTOL setting 4.000000e-005, minimum KPT distance 2.828421e-003. 布尔运算失败。 尝试将BTOL命令上的公差值调整为最小关键点距离的一小部分。