The core of the method lies in utilizing the Caputo fractal fractional derivative (CFFD), offering a unique and lightweight solution. The proposed approach effectively preserves details and enhances contrast, leading to significant improvements in machine vision tasks. This paper demonstrates the ...
In this paper, we investigate an norovirus (NoV) epidemic model with stochastic perturbation and the new definition of a nonlocal fractal–fractional derivative in the Atangana–Baleanu–Caputo (ABC) sense. First we present some basic properties including equilibria and the basic reproduction number o...
(Cartea and del-Castillo-Negrete2007; Chen et al.2014) or by combining the Caputo derivative with Weyl derivative simultaneously (Kittipoom2018). Araneda (2024) introduced a multifractional option pricing formula, and Zhang et al. (2024) reviewed fractional BSE and their solution techniques. Li ...
But in this case, the Riemann Liouville fractional integral of the HVFIFs is not necessarily to be a HVFIF with contractivity factors in Lip 1. Show abstract Weyl–Marchaud fractional derivative of a vector valued fractal interpolation function with function contractivity factors 2022, Journal of...
First, we introduce the basic concepts of fractional operators, such as the numerical integration via the Euler method and their convergence. Then, we present the fractal derivative and its connection with integer operators. Afterwards, we introduce the models and applications with real data and ...
The analytical solution of a viscoelastic continuous beam whose damping characteristics are described in terms of afractional derivativeof arbitrary order was derived by means of the Adomian decomposition method. 利用Adomian分解法,得到了由任意阶分数微分描述的具有阻尼特性的黏弹性连续梁的解析解。
The fractal growth of fractional diffusion is analyzed from the viewpoint of the influence of fractional derivative order on scaling exponents. Fractional diffusion is considered here as deterministic with stochastic forcing, and with time and space fractional derivatives defined as the Caputo and Riesz...
Define Fractal set. Fractal set synonyms, Fractal set pronunciation, Fractal set translation, English dictionary definition of Fractal set. n. An object whose parts, at infinitely many levels of magnification, appear geometrically similar to the whole. F
Atangana Abdon, introduce a new derivative of fractal objects that are very efficient, non-local and memory resistor to solve many real world fractal operators. The fractal fractional operator is the sub diffusion and super diffusion problem in complex media of heterogeneous self-similar aquifer [1...
Fractional derivative order Γ: Gamma function θ: Fractal dynamical index μ: Viscosity (cP) ϕ: Porosity (fraction) Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Mr. Christian Mayes for his help in language editing of this manuscript. ...