I'm using FATFS_V010B, before that this program has been tested by stm32f429 discovery board and it was ok but with my board not ok, i checked the pins 100 times and it was ok and crystal has 8MHZ frequency. the initialize return is SD_OK. –M.kh Commented Jan 18, 2018 at ...
在创建销售订单时,保存之后,出现如下显示: 点放大镜出现: 出现上面红色错误的时候 怎么解决 解决...
FATFS fatfs;FIL fil;DIR dirs;FILINFO finfo;UINT bw;disk_initialize(0);res = f_mount(&fatfs,"...
程序如下:DSTATUS dr;FATFS fs;FIL fil;FRESULT fr;if(Appli_state == APPLICAtiON_READY){ if(...