联系电话:16314854226; +16314854226 电子邮件:inquiry@bocsci.com 国籍:美国 产品介绍:英文名称:FR901483 备注:BOC Sciences also provides custom synthesis services for FR901483. CB指数:58 网址:https://www.bocsci.com/ 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(19741)用户评价 1...
抗生素 FR901483性质、用途与生产工艺 抗生素 FR901483上下游产品信息 上游原料 下游产品 抗生素 FR901483生产厂家 全球有 1家供应商抗生素 FR901483国内生产厂家 供应商联系电话电子邮件国家产品数优势度 BOC Sciences16314854226; +16314854226inquiry@bocsci.com美国1974158...
The architecturally sophisticated skeleton of the immunosuppressive alkaloid FR901483 was assembled via a process relying on the reaction of an in situ generated imine with a suitably disposed donor-acceptor cyclopropane. A short sequence of functional group transformations provided the natural product in...
A novel immunosuppressant, FR901483 (1) was discovered by a Fujisawa company, which was isolated from the fermentation broth of a fungal strain. It exerts a potent immunosuppressive activity in vitro and significantly prolongs graft survival time in the rat skin allograft model.Our group has postu...
2015年本科以上学历人口比例14830%28.8%15020%10012.9%5035405%190%0北京”天北河北人均GUP2016年三大产业古比100%1211.51480.39%54%41.7%84314.8%47.3%19.2%0%0.5513%11%0箱戡衿无北京天津河材料二图15京津冀发展状况材料三国务院印发的《“十三五”现代综合交通运输体系发展规划》 ,提出要“构建京津冀协同发展的...
他信马由缰地走到中央公园,糊里糊涂地买了一张门券进去。(老舍《老张的哲学》第三十二章) 成语解释 信、由:听任。骑着马无目的地闲逛。比喻随便走走。也比喻无主见,随外力而转移。 典故出处 清·李绿园《歧路灯》第八十六回:"却说王氏是一个昏天黑地的母亲,绍闻是一个信马由缰的儿子。" ...
This thesis describes studies, which have been realised towards the total syntheses of two natural products (–)-FR901483 (1) and (+)-TAN1251B (3), which are thought to be biosynthetically related. The introduction summarises the isolation and biological activities of both natural products. ...
摘要 一,血痹余每合用桂枝汤,当归补血汤.黄芪桂枝五物汤另加鸡血藤治疗血痹取得明显疗效.其方为当归,黄芪,桂枝,白芍,鸡血藤,甘草,生姜,大枣.该方在黄芪桂枝五物汤通阳行痹的基础上,以桂枝汤调和营卫解肌祛风,当归补血汤益气补血,鸡血藤补血活... 关键词...