您可以在以下网站中找到我们的设计工具Infineon Solution Finder:https://www.infineon.com/solutionFinder这里您可以选择您的应用的重要参数并根据您的要求缩小选择范围。 了解详细内容 仿真参数/ SPICE模型 请访问我们的仿真模型查找工具: https://www.infineon.com/simulation请选择“仿真模型(SPICE. S参数, SABRE)...
MCU Finder (AURIX™, XMC, Embedded Power) Infineon Read More Parametric Selection Tool for finding Microcontroller (AURIX™; XMC™; MOTIX™ Embedded Power) products zip Flash Programmer for FM0+,FM3, FM4 01_00 | 2017-10-05 | 3.6 MB ...
adversarialfrcnn.zipPr**se 上传638.7 KB 文件格式 zip adversarial-networks caffe fast-rcnn object-detection A-Fast-RCNN是一种基于深度学习的目标检测算法,于2017年在CVPR会议上提出。该算法是对Fast-RCNN的改进,旨在提高目标检测的速度和准确性。A-Fast-RCNN的主要改进包括两个方面:区域生成网络(RPN)和...
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I don't care 'when' I created them, I just want to know I am attaching the correct one, I.E. the one I probably had just finished working on. In Finder, the files DO show "Date Modified". I'm sure it's probably something simple - but I have no idea. Please be gentle, e....
Discover how the features of Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finder Software are engineered to support the world of complex biopharmaceutical characterization. Featuring novel data processing algorithms and easy-to-interpret data visualization tools, the...
Finder v1.0.9.exe 1.IP 范围第一个输入框输入开始的IP地址,第二个输入框输入结束的IP地址。如界面所示的... 2.本机所在IP地址段扫描 :如果你想扫描本机所在的局域网,可以选择这一项,IP范围会自动... 3.自定义IP段扫描: 如果你想随意扫描一个地址段,那可以选择这一项。 4.暂停扫描: 你在扫描的过程中...
ZIP_CODE The postal code or zip code of the member. JOB_TITLE The latest job title of the member. JOB_FUNCTION The job function of the member's latest job. SENIORITY The seniority of the member's job title, i.e. manager, director, VP, etc. COMPANY_NAME The name of the company of...
FocusFinder FocusSearchDirection FrameMetrics FrameMetricsId FrameStats GestureDetector GestureDetector.ContextClickEventArgs GestureDetector.DoubleTapEventArgs GestureDetector.DoubleTapEventEventArgs GestureDetector.DownEventArgs GestureDetector.FlingEventArgs GestureDetector.IOnContextClickListener GestureDetector.IOnDoubleTapListener...