“invalidsynrax” 是英语中的拼写错误,正确的拼法是 “invalidsyntax”。语法错误是指程序代码中出现了不符合编程语言规则的语法结构,导致编译器无法理解和编译代码。 语法 2023-11-28 15:59:14 Object中有哪一些公共方法 大家在学习java的时候,一定遇到过Object类,因为在java单一继承体系中Object类是根类,所有的类...
return (FR_INVALID_OBJECT) I really don't understand why I have this result, especially since I can see my .txt file correctely in the expression windows of CCS. I really would appreciate any comment, help and ad...
!= fil->id)不成立,fil->fs->id=0X405,fil->id=1,导致f_write返回9号错误FR_INVALID_OBJECT...
工作时间:周一至周五(9:00-12:00 13:30-18:30)节假日除外 客服邮箱:service@huaqiu.com CEO...
Indicates the MIB object ID of the alarm. interface-index Indicates the index of the interface. dlci Indicates the number of the Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI). It ranges from 16 to 1022. state Indicates the number of the state. The mapping is as follows: 1: invalid ...
Indicates the MIB object ID of the alarm. interface-index Indicates the index of the interface. dlci Indicates the number of the Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI). It ranges from 16 to 1022. state Indicates the number of the state. The mapping is as follows: 1: invalid 2: activ...
I am writing these data in SDcard, But sometimes while writing [function: f_write()], it fails with FR_DISK_ERR frequently and further if I am trying to write it fails FR_INVALID_OBJECT.It works only after I do f_close() and again f_open(), which is more addon to to code...
java.lang.Object com.fr.base.frpx.pack.AbstractFRPackage 所有已实现的接口: java.io.Closeable, java.lang.AutoCloseable 直接已知子类: ZipPackage public abstract class AbstractFRPackage extends java.lang.Object implements java.io.Closeable 可以储存多种数据对象的容器包模型 作者: vito 字段概要 字段 ...