FILTER 用于查询元数据或其他结构化数据。 一旦使用FILTER运算符,即自动表明指定查询的以下内容: 语言将设置为 linguistics="OFF"。 排名将被禁用。 在查询结果命中突出显示项摘要中,不会突出显示任何查询。 提示:如果在FILTER表达式内使用STRING运算符,语言默认处于禁用状态。 可以使用操作数linguistics="ON",在FILTER内...
例子$filter([1,2,3,4,5], fn($e){ $e>3}) -> [4, 5] 加入 使用可选的分隔符字符串将数组的元素连接成一个字符串。 句法$join($arr: 数组, $分隔符?: 字符串) => 字符串 例子 $join(["hello", "world"]) -> "helloworld"$join(["hello", "world"], "-") → "hello-world...
ANDNOT ANY COUNT DATETIME ENDS-WITH EQUALS FILTER FLOAT INT NEAR NOT ONEAR OR PHRASE RANGE RANK STARTS-WITH STRING XRANKFAST 查询语言 (FQL) 运算符是一些关键字,它们指定布尔运算或对操作数的其他限制。FQL 运算符语法如下所示:[property-spec:]operator(operand [,operand]* [, parameter="value"]*...
operator-expression = [in-expression] (and / andnot / any / or / rank / xrank / near / onear / not / equals / filter / starts-with / ends-with / count) paren-expression = [in-expression] "(" fql-expression ")" token = [in-expression] (datetime-token / float-token / int-t...
filter = "filter" "(" fql-expression ")" ; Token operator expressions phrase-token = "phrase" "(" phrase-token-param *("," phrase-token-param) ")" phrase-token-param = ("weight" "=" unsigned-integer-value) / ("linguistics" "=" onoff-value) ...
The below example shows how a query filter can be used to only select records where the status field is equal to CLOSED, and then sum the resulting costs: Example 8: Transformation to a new JSON object Users will often want to transformJSONfrom one format to another in order to prepare ...
我们知道 WordPress 评论功能好是好,但总觉差点什么,所以我想了想,可能是大家习惯了公众号的留言系统...
OperatorsKeywords that specify Boolean operations (such asAND,OR) or other constraints to operands (such asFILTER.) FQL query example The following FQL query example searches for the terms "hello" and "world" in thebodymanaged property of an indexed item: ...
OperatorsKeywords that specify Boolean operations (such asAND,OR) or other constraints to operands (such asFILTER.) FQL query example The following FQL query example searches for the terms "hello" and "world" in thebodymanaged property of an indexed item: ...
”)希望以此提升互动性,并欺骗Facebook的算法。 Facebook表示,这种帖子违反该公司的真实性原则,所以,...