请考虑以下场景。 在基于 Windows Server 2003 的计算机上安装 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1)。 执行此操作后,当你尝试使用其完全限定的域名(FQDN)或其 CNAME 别名(UNC)路径:\\servername sharename\在本地访问服务器时,会遇到身份验证问题。
How to Configure Windows Machine to Allow File Sharing with DNS Alias Posted by Michael June 10, 2009 microsoft.public.windows.server.networking newsgroup I haven't seen one article that brings together all the settings one would need to do to make this work properly on Windows, so I thought...
Active Directory 整合的 DNS 區域序號行為 避免在 DNS 中註冊不必要的 NIC DNS 用戶端設定的最佳做法 無法從 DNS 區域刪除記錄 無法修改主機或 Lmhosts 檔案 Exchange 與單一卷標網域、脫離和不連續命名空間的相容性 設定次要名稱伺服器 DNS 用戶端解析逾時 ...
In the Value data box, type the CNAME or the DNS alias, that is used for the local shares on the computer, and then click OK. Note Type each host name on a separate line. If the BackConnectionHostNames registry entry exists as a REG_DWORD type, ...
Registering CNAME (DNS Alias) FQDNs as Kerberos Service Principal Names (SPNs) When Configuration Manager 2007 site systems are configured with an FQDN that is a CNAME (DNS alias) rather than the computer name registered in Active Directory Domain Services, the CNAME must be configured with a ...
In the Value data box, type the CNAME or the DNS alias, that is used for the local shares on the computer, and then click OK. Note Type each host name on a separate line. If the BackConnectionHostNames registry entry exists as a REG_DWORD type, you have to delet...
How to add Distribution Group email alias from CSV in office 365 How to add exchange 2010 PSSnapin to ISE? How to add hash table values to SQL Table using Powershell How to add Multiple textbox with multiple labels. How to add newline in existing CSV How to add SaveFileDialog to Power...
In theValuedata box, type the CNAME or the DNS alias, that is used for the local shares on the computer, and then clickOK. Note Type each host name on a separate line. If the BackConnectionHostNames registry entry exists as a REG_DWORD type, you have to delete the...
Domain Controller vs. Member Server , et al. AD user accounts, disable or delete? ADAM[instance1]General Event ID 2537 Add coloumn in Active Directory Users and Computers windows. Add FTP Site not available - Windows Server 2008 R2 Web x64 IIS7.5 Add range of IP address on DNS server...
AvailableServiceAliasInner AzureAsyncOperationResult AzureFirewallApplicationRule AzureFirewallApplicationRuleCollectionInner AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocol AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType AzureFirewallFqdnTagInner AzureFirewallFqdnTagInner Constructors Properties Methods AzureFirewallInner AzureFire...