There is no way for me to stream this game at the moment and that means I can't complete my battle pass. All other games work with obs except Apex Legends and now that I can't limit the fps to max 60 it is impossible to stream the game. If this problem isn't resolved soon or ...
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csgofpsmax..兄弟们 大佬吗 求帮忙 且听我细说今天下午我正常玩csgo 其实我就一个小萌新那些指令参数的都不懂我平时正常玩 fps是250左右 面对队友或者烟雾什么的就170左右 ping20左右今天下午手贱 f
如果喜欢玩游戏的话,我因为这个显示器是比较好的,是可以入手的。当然适合啊,华硕的TUF GAMING VG27AQL1A小金刚MAX电竞显示器有170Hz超高刷新率呢,对于大型FPS游戏来说非常适合,而且还有1ms MPRT疾速响应时间,并且支持NVIDIA G-SYNC兼容,能够消除画面卡顿撕裂等情况,大大提高了画面的流畅度,非常不...
With the above settings, we held a very stable 108fps across multiple matches in The Finals. It’s a strong game visually, but as a fast-paced shooter frames are important. Our initial open beta testing yielded results of 170 fps across virtually global low settings, but new optimization ha...
170° Pixel 4K, 2K, 2 Millions SD Card Memory Size 128GB Type Night Vision Style Data Recorder Camera 2-way Video Resolution Full HD Brand Cacces MOQ 1000 PCS Camera Resolution 4K+1K, 2K+1K,...
CPU: Intel i7 6700k | Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170x Gaming 5 | RAM: 2x16GB 3000MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX | GPU: Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1080ti | PSU: Corsair RM750x (2018) | Case: BeQuiet SilentBase 800 | Cooler: Arctic Freezer 34 eSports | SSD: Samsung 970 E...
Nike Air Max 95 "Baroque Brown" 货号:538416-203 ,售价:170美金 û收藏 1 评论 ñ5 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 新浪娱乐 10月11日 15:15 【李易峰排队办证:一口水没喝 腿都麻了】@李易峰 晒出一张疑似排队...
小迷你的镜片为珠面全反射光学透镜,此种透镜会形成很好的泛光效果,光线更加均匀柔和。内部灯珠采用的是CREE XP-G2 S3 LED,通过侧按键调节四种亮度:极亮档380流明(15分钟)、145流明(1小时)、38流明(4小时)、1流明(60小时)。TINI CU中白色温,低亮度下无肉眼可见频闪。照射角度较大,大概有170度。
所以对吾空X Pro Max的散热系统表现也必须要严格把关,在24℃室温下使用AIDA64和Furmark对处理器FPU和显卡进行双考机测试,30分钟后Core i9 13900HX可以稳定在90℃左右,频率依然保持小幅度的睿频状态,功耗65W左右,而RTX 4090的温度也只有86℃上下,功耗维持在170W左右,C面键盘区域的最高温度在46℃左右,但都不在WASD...