【APEX】ps5主机120帧模式 画面更新后好多了 帧数没有xbox稳定 开启vrr后可以接受 17.3万 41 03:24 App APEX英雄PS5手柄体感(陀螺仪)完美配置分享 4.7万 3 01:02 App 【PS5】Apex日服全是转换器得到120刷新率全面增强 1.7万 0 02:33 App ps端apex免加速方法 6.3万 7 01:55 App PS5 | PS5玩家指南:如何...
玩家们翘首以盼的日子终于来临。自Apex英雄发布以来,主机玩家一直渴望能在游戏中享受到120 FPS的支持。尤其在索尼和微软开始在其它游戏中大力推广120 FPS的支持后,玩家们对于Apex英雄加入这一功能的呼声更是高涨。如今,随着2024年初的第20赛季的更新,主机玩家们终于迎来了在120Hz下畅玩游戏的选项。对于拥有PS5和Xbo...
Apex英雄终于迎来..玩家们翘首以盼的日子终于来临。自Apex英雄发布以来,主机玩家一直渴望能在游戏中享受到120 FPS的支持。尤其在索尼和微软开始在其它游戏中大力推广120 FPS的支持后,玩家们对于Apex英雄加入这
i say since apex legends is number 2 or 3 in the world for the best shooting games and it should get 120fps soon because fornite and halo infitine has 120 fps on the new consoles .there will always be bugs in every game and still bugs into apex legends EA comp...
两千多的极致性价比海景房 畅玩永劫120fps apex英雄120fps CSgo高画质300fps 赛博朋克2077 60fps GTA5 120fps #电脑主机配置推荐 #组装机 #diy电脑 #装机 #海景房主机 - 三和DIY装机(回收置换)于20230629发布在抖音,已经收获了9.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Been playing apex this season on both 60fps and 120 fps and I've noticed at 60 fps I can see the map clearly and my shots hit like they are supposed. However, at 60 fps for some reason it now is choppy and a bit laggy. On the other hand 120 fps is clear at close sig...
12回复贴,共1页 <返回apex英雄吧为什么fps只能到120,这正常吗? 只看楼主收藏回复 京沧海 金甲战士 8 电脑是笔记本暗影骑士龙,显卡是残血的,但是也不至于这么低吧 点击展开,查看完整图片 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-06-28 17:37回复
求助!为了apex换..二手显卡看着挺新,测试了跑分性能比我原来的1060 6G高了3倍左右,虽然但是,我之前玩也有个7/80帧,现在只提升到120帧还是挺失落的,最高也锁定在144,网上找的steam写启动代码也无用,不知
Respawn Entertainment is bringing Apex Legends to new platforms this year including the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. This award-winning battle royale game that took the world by great surprise last year just launched Season 7 - Ascension yesterday with its third map, Olympus, a new Le...