由CM Games打造的开放世界生存VR FPS游戏《致命半径》,自2020年7月推出以来,已在Steam平台收获特别好评。近日官方公布了其续作《致命半径2(Into the Radius 2)》将于7月25日在Steam平台推出抢先体验版的消息。本作是一款身临其境的VR生存射击游戏,故事发生在一个充满超现实景观和致命异常的地区,即Pechorsk安...
近日,Fast Travel Games 宣布其 VR 游戏《Action Hero》将于今年登陆 Meta Quest 2/3/Pro 平台,承诺带来一场前所未有的“沉浸式 VR FPS 大片”。在《Action Hero》中,玩家将化身为无畏的英雄,面临一系列惊心动魄的挑战:从挥舞拳头勇斗史前恐龙,到紧握猎枪与神秘忍者展开生死较量,再到在风驰电掣的火车上...
Motion platform,VR HMD Games VR games:2 Pcs Screen games:2 Pcs Power 2.5KW Computer Configuration Intel i5/GTX1060/8G/256GSSD N.W 790Kg VR HMD 3Glasses D3/PICO Size 2050*2030*1930mm Build-in Computers 1 Pcs Bearing Load 150Kg Packing Size 2270*2270*2110mm Game Update N...
game fps multiplayer unity3d kinect leap-motion fps-game xbox-controller multiplayer-fps vr-glasses Updated Dec 30, 2024 C# klaussilveira / qengine Star 863 Code Issues Pull requests Retro game engine for creating games like it's 1997 linux gamedev game-engine fps game-development 3d-...
FPS VR游戏《Gambit!》定于4月6日上线 来源:青亭网 4月3日青亭网报道,原定于201年上线的FPS VR游戏《Gambit!》经过多次推迟,现定于4月6日上线,首发上线Meta Quest和Steam平台。据悉,《Gambit!》由XREAL Games工作室开发,其代表作之一包括2018年上线的《Zero Caliber VR》。新作《Gambit!》将采用多人合作...
Most Xbox games use this way to play Leap Motion User hand gesture to control game A more advanced interaction that might become popular in the future VR glasses More vivid and closer to reality Recently very popular but devices are most likely expensive ...
The first-person shooter genre is incredibly popular in VR, and quite a number of old VR favorites and exciting new titles have made their way to the Oculus Quest 2. While there are plenty of tempting games on the way for the newly released Quest 2 that we’re entirely too excited about...
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