在游戏画面中实时显现硬件状态的工具,一般称为“OSD监测工具”,OSD全称On Screen Display,显现器调出的菜单也是OSD的一种,不过咱们这里说的OSD监测是通过软实时读取硬件状态信息,并且能够在游戏画面或者系统全局中显现出来。一般来说,游戏玩家使用比较多的是微星Afterburner,授权采用了老牌监测软件Rivatuner组件,除了能够OS...
在游戏画面中实时显示硬件状态的工具,一般称为“OSD监测工具”,OSD全称On Screen Display,显示器调出的菜单也是OSD的一种,不过我们这里说的OSD监测是通过软实时读取硬件状态信息,并且能够在游戏画面或者系统全局中显示出来。一般来说,游戏玩家使用比较多的是微星Afterburner,授权采用了老牌监测软件Rivatuner组件,除了可以OS...
要关闭左上角FPS显示,您可以尝试以下步骤:查找显示器菜单按钮:通常位于显示器前面板或侧面。按下该按钮,会弹出显示器菜单。寻找显示器设置选项:在显示器菜单中,寻找与显示设置相关的选项。这可能被标记为显示设置、OSD设置(On-Screen Display)或类似的名称。关闭FPS显示:在显示器设置选项中,查找与...
OSD(on-screen display),即屏幕菜单式调节方式;传统的显示器设置按钮一般都被置于屏幕右下角,朗顺黑曜石也不例外; ▼这款显示器菜单选项丰富,可调节的类别非常多,包括游戏、图像、显示以及系统等; ▼情景模式包括8种:标准模式、用户、sRGB、RTS、FPS、FGC、电影模式、风景模式,每种模式下对应的亮度、对比度、饱...
当你在设定每个监控项目时,如果是想在游戏中显示的数据,请勾选「在OSD (On-Screen Display) 上显示」; 如果是想在Windows 系统列显示的数据,请勾选「在系统列上显示」。选项的后面还可以修改字的颜色,或是将数据改以「进度条 (barchart)」显示。
(CPU and GPU). However, if you have a powerful computer that supports high FPS, your computer’s monitor only supports a 60 Hz refresh rate. You won’t reap the full benefits of your powerful computer. Even if your computer can produce 300 FPS gameplay, your monitor can only display 60...
is a technology designed to reduce screen tearing by locking framerates to match the refresh rates of computer monitors. by enabling v-sync, users can ensure that their video card does not render more frames than what the monitor can display resulting in a smoother gaming experience overall. ...
Often referred to as "update rate,” FPS is the acronym for frames per second – the number of frames displayed on the screen every second. For instance, when we get 30 FPS in the game, images appear 30 times every second. When the FPS is high, the movements in the game will be sm...
# Resize and display the frame on the screen frame = cv2.resize(frame, (800, 800)) # Calculate FPS if loopTime is non-zero loopTime = time.time() - start_time # Adjust frame rate based on processing time delay = max(1, int((1 / frame_rate - loopTime) * 1000)) ...
exec_nameDisplay current exec name fanShows the Steam Deck fan rpm fcatEnables frame capture analysis fcat_overlay_width=Sets the width of fcat. Default is24 fcat_screen_edge=Decides the edge fcat is displayed on. A value between1and4 ...