首先我们打开NVIDIA 控制面板选择管理 3D 设置,然后切换到程序设置,这样是为了只修改 CSGO 的设置而不影响其他程序。 这里直接放出修改过后的图,然后再逐一讲解。7 那么现在来逐一讲解。”CUDA-GPUs” 是使用CUDA流处理器的选择,一般大家都是单显卡,所以默认是全部,如果是多卡交火,全部选上就可以了。“三重缓...
7、1首先打开游戏设置菜单,视频选项里把垂直同步给关闭,如下图所示2打开Win10显卡设置,关闭显卡设置中的垂直同步选项,如图所示3对于显卡是N卡的朋友,调整nvidia experience电源设置关闭batteryboost选项,如图所示。8、游戏将玩家分为反恐精英Counter TerroristsCT阵营与恐怖份子TerroristsT阵营两队,每个队伍...
An in-game FPS counter will let you see whether or not a certain tweak has boosted FPS or not. Many games include FPS counters, and on Steam, you can bring it up via the overlay by pressingAlt+Tab. Alternatively,install MSI Afterburnerand RivaTuner to get an FPS counter you can use ...
环境: unity 2022, windows10 参数: 游戏模式 文件: Advanced FPS Counter 1.3.9.unitypackage 说明: Unity工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动导出生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示: 由于云检查并不是人工进行的,此项检查存在诸多因素(如视角、背景默认设置不...
How to display an in-game FPS counter on PC while gaming on Windows 10 or 11, for either NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards. Your FPS (Frames Per Second) is an important performance metric to know.
Also wanted to add Radeon Settings.exe keeps crashing and being restarted in fresh install of Windows 10. 0 Likes Reply yany Adept I 07-26-2019 05:48 AM Empty heading Radeon Driver 19.6.x, 19.7.x, Vega 64 and RX480. Both have the same issue: the ...
csgo显示fps和ping的方法如下:工具/原料:联想小新Pro16、Windows10、CSGO1.38.3.8。1、进入游戏,打开左下角各项设置菜单。2、选择游戏设置。3、选择启用开发者控制台后的选项,并点击选择是。4、按下波浪键(~),输入指令net_graph1,即可打开。csgo游戏介绍 《反恐精英:全球攻势》,原名Counter-...
Windows 10 Reviews Christmas GiftTop 4 FPS Counters to Show FPS on PC GamesBy FonePaw | Feb 17 , 2019FPS(Frames Per Second) is one of the most important factors to ensure a smooth gaming experience. To monitor the FPS of PC games, you need an FPS counter. Nowadays, a lot of games...
Microsoft's Xbox Game Bar, which is available onWindows 11and 10, is a multipurpose tool that also includes an FPS counter which works with pretty much all games you can play on your PC. It’s also the fastest and easiest method to see the FPS counter while you are playing a game. ...