Enable the "game_window_info" option to display the information in the game-window title. Settings: Here is how the in-game settings menu look when usingCloth ConfigforFabric. Key Bindings: You can assign key bindings to toggle each HUD element on and off or even toggle the entire HUD of...
Phosphor (removed in 1.21+) Phosphor is a Minecraft mod which works to optimize one of game's most inefficient areas-- the lighting engine. It works on both the client and server, and can be installed on servers without requiring clients to also have the mod. Hydrogen (replaced by Ferrite...
Compare the results with mods (Sodium, OptiFine, Canvas) or Clients (Lunar, Badlion, etc). My results:-(No Mods, Fabric Loader) Highest FPS - 31 Lowest FPS - 19 Average FPS - 25 Get a server today and play with your friends! Click HERE or below banner & Use Code GAMERPOTION to ...
- Use ALT+F3 to see your FPS and Lag spikes. Note down your Highest, Lowest and Average FPS. Compare the results with mods (Sodium, OptiFine, Canvas) or Clients (Lunar, Badlion, etc). My results:- (No Mods, Fabric Loader) Highest FPS - 31 Lowest FPS - 19 Average FPS - 25 Get ...