原因应该是mod文件名称没有保持原英文名称,即FPS Booster,Patch Loader Mod。【我之前就是这个报错,...
FPS Booster 1.21.4 ByNakirium ReleaseR Jan 29, 2025 13.62 KB 98 1.21.4 Fabric File Name FPS Booster 1.21.4.zip Supported Versions 1.21.4 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Migrated from 1.20.4 to 1.21.4 This Modpack Was Tested on This System. Here’s the system setup I used: ...
'FPS Booster' is an LUA script that boosts your game framerate by over 20 FPS (may vary depending on specs), by modifying various Unreal Engine 5 CVars, using the help of a tool called UE4SS.
"FPS Booster" is a mod that boosts your game framerate by over 20 FPS (may vary depending on specs), by modifying various Unreal Engine 5 CVars, using the help of a tool called UE4SS. ___INSTALLATION___ STEP 1: Download UE4SS (specifically, the "UE4SS_vX.X.X.zip...
原因应该是mod文件名称没有保持原英文名称,即FPS Booster,Patch Loader Mod。【我之前就是这个报错,...
Welcome! The Booster FPS Modpack is a collection of mods for Minecraft aimed at reducing lag and enhancing game performance by increasing the frames per second (FPS) you experience. Enjoy smoother gameplay and enhanced optimization with this modpack. How to Play the Modpacks? You can use Curse...
FPS booste..该mod是 Krzychu1245等之前推出的mini FPS booster的完整版,可更大幅度提高游戏帧数,由于之前处于测试状态,时间比较久,所以暂时没有上创意工坊热门。本人2070显卡,实测帧数
Mod FPS BOOSTER 5.6K 7 Windows You are downloading as a guest. Download Add to Queue View Changelog Report File Like itWatch itAward it Description i decide to make my own mode, reducing non important stuff and make the game still lookin good.limits enemy's dead body's, remove bullet ro...
Fps booster这个mod太牛了简直改变了这个游戏 只看楼主收藏回复 啊蛋打 都市路人 1 我电脑一万人口就开始卡了用了这个mod加了好几十帧不要太流畅 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-12-11 22:55回复 啊蛋打 都市路人 1 吧主可以开个置顶帖宣传一下 来自Android客户端2楼2020-12-11 22:58 回复 ...
'FPS Booster' is an LUA script that boosts your game framerate by over 20 FPS (may vary depending on specs), by modifying various Unreal Engine 5 CVars, using the help of a tool called UE4SS.