fprintf函数详解 fprintf :: Functions (MATLAB®)jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/MATLAB/R2011a/help/techdoc/help.jar!/...1 of 72012-3-2 2 21:18fprintf Write data to text file Syntax fprintf(fileID , format , A , ...)fprintf(format , A , ...)count = fprintf(...)Description...
matlab中 rep函数的⽤法 % REP.m Replicate a matri% This function replicates a matrix in both dimensions. % Syntax: MatOut = rep(MatIn,REPN); % Input parameters: % MatIn - Input Matrix (before replicating) % REPN - Vector of 2 numbers, how many replications in each dimension % REP...
Order for processing the function input arguments. Use the syntaxn$, wherenrepresents the positions of the other input arguments in the function call. Example:('%3$s %2$s %1$s %2$s','A','B','C')prints input arguments'A','B','C'as follows:C B A B. ...
%din theformatSpecinput prints each value in the vector,round(a), as a signed integer.\nis a control character that starts a new line. 3. Write a short table of the exponential function to a text file calledexp.txt. x = 0:.1:1; A = [x; exp(x)]; fileID = fopen('exp.txt'...
To get a list of options you can use on a function, press theTabkey after entering a function on the MATLAB command line. The list expands, and you can scroll to choose a property or value. For information about using this advanced tab completion feature, seeUsing Tab Completion for Func...
syms x y = (1500-x)*(1+0.0015*x);ezplot(y,[1000,2000]);dydx = diff(y,x);xsh= solve(dydx);ymax=subs(y,x,xsh);ezplot(y,[0 1500]) ;hold on;plot(double(xsh),double(ymax),'-ro');grid on;hold off;fprintf('the best count is %s dollars/n',char(xsh))...
This MATLAB function applies the formatSpec to all elements of arrays A1,...An in column order, and writes the data to a text file.
Write a short table of the exponential function to a text file calledexp.txt: x = 0:.1:1; y = [x; exp(x)]; % open the file with write permission fid = fopen('exp.txt', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%6.2f .8f\n', y); fclose(fid); % view the contents of the file type exp...
However, on my fprintf line I am getting the error, "The format might not agree with the argument count." I am new to matlab and am unsure what I am doing wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. テーマコピー function [xr,fr,ea,iter] = bisection(f,xl,xu,es,imax)...
就是变量未定义的意思 fprintf里第一个参数是file id,要求是整数,sdtout是标准输出的意思,把他换成1就行了