Asthma Exacerbationor other respiratory illness Current allergy exacerbation New medications (Beta Blockers orACE Inhibitors) VaccineVial check Confirm match of patient name, birth, and MR number Check Immunotherapy mix components in vial Make certain the vial has not expired ...
Asthma Exacerbation Severity Evaluation Asthma-Related Death Risk Factors Pediatric Asthma Score Bacterial Infections Diehr Rule to Diagnose Pneumonia Drug Resistance in Pneumonia Score Multidrug Resistance Score Mortality Prediction Tool for Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia SOAR Pneumonia Sc...
Significant overlap of xray findings in cases ofPneumonia,Bronchiolitis,Asthma Exacerbation Chest XRaymay be normal in earlyPneumonia Chest XRaymay be abnormal for 3-6 weeks after diagnosis XIII. Imaging: Other Lung Ultrasound(POCUS) Detects lung consolidation,Parapneumonic Effusion, empyema ...
Severe or fatalAsthma Exacerbations NoncardiogenicPulmonary Edema(Opioid Overdose) Psychiatric Conditions Substance Use Disorder Major Depression Generalized Anxiety Disorder Bipolar Disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Dependent PersonalityDisorder Antisocial PersonalityDisorder ...
Asthma Management Asthma Exacerbation advertisement II. Epidemiology Much more common in adults than children Onset age over 40 years old III. Pathophysiology Non-IgE, Non-allergic Asthma NeutrophilmediatedAsthma IV. Types: Phenotypes Neutrophilic Asthma (adult onset, non-atopic) ...
Lung Function Questionnaire advertisement II. Indications COPD Screening III. Questions Dyspneain last 4 weeks (1 point for some of the time, 2 points for most or all of the time) ProductiveCough(1 point for some days, 2 points for everyday) ...
In hydropneumothorax, chest contains air and fluid When patient moves, splash sound is audible IV. Technique Examiner auscultates lungs while: Patient moves OR Assistant grasps patientsShoulders and shakes V. Differential Diagnosis of splash sound auscultated ...
advertisement II. Indications Pulmonary Embolismrisk stratification III. Criteria Age >80 years Cancer History Chronic cardiopulmonary disease Heart Rate>100 bpm SystolicBlood Pressure<100 mmHg Oxygen Saturation<90% IV. Interpretation Low Risk: No Criteria ...
Adult with acute cough III. Criteria Rhinorrhea: -2 points Sore Throat: -1 point Myalgia: 1 point Night Sweats: 1 point Sputumproduced throughout day: 1 point Respiratory Rateover 25 breaths per minute: 2 points Temperatureover 100 F or 37.8 C: 2 points ...