IP FPM IP Flow Performance Measurement. A method used to measure service flows to obtain the packet loss rate and delay of end-to-end IP networks. MCP Measurement Control Point. A device that collects and calculates statistics reported by DCPs in the IP FPM model. ...
IP FPM IP Flow Performance Measurement. A method used to measure service flows to obtain the packet loss rate and delay of end-to-end IP networks. MCP Measurement Control Point. A device that collects and calculates statistics reported by DCPs in the IP FPM model. TLP Target Logical Por...
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IP FPM IP Flow Performance Measurement. A method used to measure service flows to obtain the packet loss rate and delay of end-to-end IP networks. MCP Measurement Control Point. A device that collects and calculates statistics reported by DCPs in the IP FPM model. ...
IP FPM IP Flow Performance Measurement. A method used to measure service flows to obtain the packet loss rate and delay of end-to-end IP networks. MCP Measurement Control Point. A device that collects and calculates statistics reported by DCPs in the IP FPM model. ...
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