Site Type:规定了FPGA datasheet中的管脚名称。该值由Vivado设置,导入的CSV文件中不需要此属性。 Min/Max Trace Delay(ps):规定了钢模衬垫(pad site of the die)与封装球之间的延迟(ball on the package),以ps为单位。该值由Vivado设置,该属性只能出现在导出的CSV文件中。 Prohibit:I/O设置了Prohibit属性后,...
The user gets a maximum flexibility in building any type of hardware configuration, which is in addition reconfigurable and adjustable to multiple applications. Services and Products for FPGA Prototyping: Single- undMulti- FPGA Prototyping Customized FPGA Boards ...
readPortReads output data and returns it with the port data type and dimension releaseRelease the hardware resources associated with the fpga object Examples collapse all Connect toXilinxTarget Create anfpgaobject to connect to a Xilinx target device. ...
ConfigurationPackets分为两种,即Type 1packet和Type 2 packet,Type 2报文必须跟在Type 1报文后面,个人认为Type 2报文的作用是对Type 1 报文进行补充,因为Type 1 报文word count字段仅有11bit,只支持2048个word传输,而Type 2报文word count字段有27bit,支持134217728个word,具体内容请参考UG470 Table 5-20、Table...
除了avrum帖子,您还可以打开精心设计/合成/实现的设计并搜索站点并使用Site_Type属性。--Syed --- --...
Access the AMD Space Secure Site (registration required) and Wireless and Wired Military Communications (MILCOM) solutions View Space Secure SiteView MilCom and SatCom Solutions Contact Sales Our sales team is here to support you in making the best technology decisions based on your specific needs. ...
该包声明了自定义的数据类型“state_type”、state_type类型的信号,syn_encoding属性设置促成状态寄存器的格雷码。 在输出的log文件中,Synplify给出了每个编码状态机FSM的报告:Finished RTL optimizations(Time elapsed0h:00m:00s;Memory used current:50MBpeak:51MB)Encoding state machine work.fsm(rtl)-_work_my...
Menta’s eFPGA IP comes with customer-defined array sizes for the embedded logic blocks (eLB), embedded application blocks (eAB), and embedded memory blocks (eMB), each of which are customizable in type, number and size to address various markets and applications. The eFPGA IP cores are ...
License Type Node-Locked or Floating Ordering Part Number LSC-SW-RADIANT-NL (Node-locked) LSC-SW-RADIANT-FL (Floating) LSC-SW-RADIANT-NL-R (Node-locked Renewal) LSC-SW-RADIANT-FL-R (Floating Renewal) LSC-SW-RADIANT-RT-NL (Node-locked) LSC-SW-RADIANT-RT-FL (Floating) Buy / Renew ...