1|0内核配置 为保证FPGA Manager可正常使用,需要按图中配置内核相关选项。(在zynq_defconfig里面,这些选项是默认使能的) 1|1配置 Zynq FPGA Manager: 选择:Device Drivers ---> FPGA Configuration Framework 1|2配置Contiguous Memory Allocator: CONFIG_CMA Kernel Features --> Contiguous Memory Allocator CONFIG_...
In Virtex-6 the MMCM - Mixed Mode Clock Manager - was introduced. This is a PLL with some small part of a DCM tacked on to do fine phase shifting (that's why its mixed mode - the PLL is analog, but the phase shift is digital). Thus the MMCM can do everything the PLL can do...
CV:Brian has many years’ experience in the semiconductor industry, previously working in Xilinx’s research lab; as sales representative for Cypress Semiconductor; and as an FPGA FAE at EPS Global. He is currently a Business Development Manager in the FPGA Business Unit at Microchip Technology wh...
Enable FPGA Manager Enable FPGA Bridge Enable FPGA Reagion Enable ATWILC3000 Linux Driver for Ultra96-V2 Debian Root File System Installed build-essential Installed device-tree-compiler Installed ruby ruby-msgpack ruby-serialport Installed python python3 msgpack-rpc-python Installed u-boot-toolsReleas...
打开Vivado,点击Open Hardware Manager打开硬件管理器 点击Open target->Auto Connect连接到开发板 点击Tools->Add Configuration Memory Device,开始添加内存设备配置 在组件列表中找到s25fl256sxxxxxx0-spi-x1_x2_x4,选中。可使用Filter帮助查找,结果如图在
FPGA+SoC+Linux+Device Tree Overlay+FPGA Manager U-Boot&Linux Kernel&Debian11 Images (for Xilinx:Zynq-Zybo:PYNQ-Z1 Altera:de0-nano-soc:de10-nano) Topics fpga zynq linux-kernel debian8 fpga-soc-linux de0-nano-soc linux-image pynq u-boot zybo debian9 de10-nano zybo-z7 debian10 debian...
//步骤二:打开Hardware Manager,会自动连接FPGA开发板(如果前提步骤1操作正确)。如图3-4和图3-5所示。 //步骤三:右键FPGA Device,选择“Add Configuration Memory Device”。如图3-6所示。 //步骤四:选择如下参数的Flash,如图3-7所示: Part n25q128-3.3v ...
[ 0.124894] No USDPAA memory, no 'fsl,usdpaa-mem' in device-tree [ 0.125265] FPGA manager framework [ 0.125364] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. [ 0.126580] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter [ 0.126732] VFS: Disk q...
[ 0.124894] No USDPAA memory, no 'fsl,usdpaa-mem' in device-tree [ 0.125265] FPGA manager framework [ 0.125364] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. [ 0.126580] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter [ 0.126732] VFS: Disk quotas d...