MRCCs can access multiple clock regions and the global clock tree. MRCCs function the same as SRCCs and can additionally drive multi-clock region buffers (BUFMR) to access up to three clock region. MRCC通过BUFMR来access最多三个clock region,从下面的图也可以看出,已经用红色的线将MRCC的路径都标...
FPGAglobalclockresourcesgenerallyusecopperlayer technology,anddesignedaspecialclockbufferanddrive structure,sothattheglobalclockcanreachallthe configurationunitinsidethechip(CLB),I/Ocell(IOB)and RAM(BlockSelectRAMselectiveblock)delayandjitterare minimal.Inordertomeetthecomplexneedsofdesign,special ...
Use Global Clock Network Resources Altera FPGAs provide device-wide global clock routing resources and dedicated inputs. Use the FPGA’s low-skew, high fan-out dedicated routing where available. FPGAs offer a number of low-skew global routing resources to distribute high fan-out signals to help...
the positive terminal inputs for differential global clock inputor user input pins. When these clock input pins are used assingle-ended pins, you can disregard the p notation.CLK[0..7]p pins can function as regular I/O pins. " What does it mean? It is said that if the clock pin ...
7系的FPGA使用了专用的全局(Global)和区域(Regional)IO和时钟资源来管理设计中各种的时钟需求。Clock Management Tiles(CMT)提供了时钟合成(Clock frequency synthesis),倾斜矫正(deskew),过滤抖动(jitter filtering)功能。非时钟资源,例如本地布线,不建议使用在时钟设计中。
也可以作为 global buffer 驱动 fabric loads Each Clock Region contains 24 BUFGCEs, 8 BUFGCTRLs and 4 BUFGCE_DIVs Clock Routing Clock Routing 是FPGA内专用的布线资源,主要用于时钟网络和一些高扇出Node,如复位信号的布线。当 General Routing资源比较紧张时,工具还可能帮助我们将部分routing放在 Clock routing...
BUFGonToGlobalClockTree(.I(sclk), .O(gclk)); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 上述代码通过调用原语IBUFGDS,表达了“LVDSClk_p、LVDSClk_n是一对差分时钟输入信号且它们是经由FPGA芯片的专用差分时钟输入管脚引入FPGA芯片”的意思,这样编译器就会采用接口资源中的专用差分时钟输入电路来接入这对时钟输入信号,并转换成...
Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines "Dedicated global clock input pins that can also be used forthe positive terminal inputs for differential global clock inputor user input pins. When these clock input pins are used assingle-ended pins, you can disregard the p no...
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T11 [get_ports rst_n]set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports rst_n]set_property PACKAGE_PIN U18 [get_ports sys_clk]set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports sys_clk]create_clock -period 20.000 -name sys_clk -waveform {0.000 10.000} [get_ports sys_clk] ...
加了这句话之后,编译就可以通过了!这跟之前选的Global还是Out of context per IP没有一点关系。 下载到板子上运行,先写数据,然后是可以读出来的! 测试程序如下: module main( input clock, inout [15:0] ddr3_dq, inout [1:0] ddr3_dqs_n, ...