Design Considerations for FPGA-Based Radar Systems 为什么在 SDR 中使用 FPGA? FPGA 在雷达应用的 SDR 中的优势 FPGA 在 EW 的 SDR 中的优势 参考 FPGA Applications in Radar Systems FPGAs are utilized in different parts of radar signal processing such as data acquisition, puls...
SDR核心处理单元 MIMO算法加速 并行计算单元 FPGA加速单元 DAC/RF后端 射频后端 MIMO后端处理单元 图1 系统架构设计 Digital to Analog Converter,号转换为数字信号或从中频信号还原为射频信号。核心处理单元包括数字信号处理()和MIMO信号处理算法,用于信号的处理、滤波、解调,并实施MIMO MIMO算法加速器和并行计算...
而且,使用 FPGA 在像基站这样的无线设备中实施时,随着无线连接协议的不断发展,SDR 平台甚至可以通过重新编程来满足网络基础设施的未来需求。VotaryTech的 SDR 平台 Arria 10AX115U3F4512SG 便是展现 SDR 潜能的范例(图 1)。这款英特尔®Arria®10 FPGA SoC 型网卡支持广泛的无线应用,包括移动通信全球系统 (GSM...
This paper presents GPLM, a Low-MAC architectural design for FPGA-based SDR systems that supports 802.11ac. We identify challenges imposed by new features in 802.11ac MAC layer, and make careful architectural choices to ensure both standard compliance and flexibility. The design and implementation ...
Atlast.basedonthetestinstrumentsfromourlab,wesetdownthedetailedtest plan andmakethetest.Afterthat,we drawsomeusefulhardwaretest experience and present an improvedspreadspectrum transceiverschemebasedonSOPC. KEYWORDS:DSSS;AllDigitalTransceiver;SDR;FPGA;VerilogHDL; CIASSN0:TN914.42 图表目录 图I-i软件无线电收...
号处理部分,定位解算部分,系统控制与人机接口部分,GPRS模块接口部分。平台组成形式灵活, 具备二次开发的潜力。 【关键词】GPS信号跟踪,FPGA,嵌入式软件接收机,硬件平台 I Abstract GPSSDR(SoftwareDefinedreceiver)isahotissueoftheresearchofsatallite navigation ...
FPGA-SDR-FM-RADIO FPGA based FM radio with traditional IF architecture and digital IQ demodulation more detail (chinese only) demo video credit: Note; the PCB project name "R820T_With_LCMXO2" has nothing with R820T frontend IC, it was a thing when...
Abstract:The problem of DRFM designing for radar multi-target simulator is discussed in this paper . According to the demand of radar simulator task, a new design approach based on FPGA and SDR technique is proposed. The design diagram and system performance analysis is presented in details. The...
比如在小型航天器上集成基于FPGA的软件定义无线电(SDR),则是下一代空间态势感知/保护系统(SSA/PSA)的核心组件。包括AMD提供的新一代FPGA,为实现空间人工智能奠定了基础。微芯科技接手的NASA 高性能空间计算项目HPSC(High Performance Spaceflight Computing),内嵌处理器则是从ARM换成了RISC-V,接班Power架构的RAD...
最后,针对该设计方案搭建了硬件平台,并给出了系统的性能测试结果,测试结果表明此设计方案是行之有效的。 关键词:软件通信体系架构;软件无线电;对象请求代理;GIOP;FPGA 中图分类号: TN92-34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-373X(2011)19 -0103 -05 Design and Implementation of SCA-based SDR on FPGA GAO Hong...