综合工具报错: [Synth 8-91] ambiguous clock in event control [“F:/Prj_blog/project_synthesis_test/project_synthesis_test.srcs/sources_1/new/bad_demo.v”:46] 综合工具说,在一个过程控制事件中,你给了一个模棱不清的时钟! 为什么会这么说呢? 那是因为综合工具认为,你的设计中使用了触发器资源,可以...
为什么不能双时钟触发? ambiguous-clock-in-event-control [synth 8-91] ambiguous clk in event control 【Verilog HDL 训练】第 11 天(分频电路)
Vivado综合时出现[Synth 8-91] ambiguous clock in event control 参考:Vivado综合时出现[Synth 8-91] ambiguous clock in event control原因:异步复位铭感信号,实际复位没有使用。… 阅读全文 Verilog语法——移位运算符“>>“和“>>>“的细节 Verilog语法——移位运算符“>>“和“>>>“的细节 综上所述...
且看下面综合工具的报错:综合工具报错: [Synth 8-91] ambiguous clock in event control [“F:/Prj_blog/project_synthesis_test/project_synthesis_test.srcs/sources_1/new/bad_demo.v”:46] 综合工具说,在一个过程控制事件中,你给了一个模棱不清的时钟! 为什么会这么说呢? 那是因为综合工具认为,你的设计...
M.Truntic, M.Milanovic, K.Jezernik - ―Discrete-event switching control for Buck converter based on the FPGA‖ - Control Engineering Practice,19, 502-512, 2011.Truntic, M, Milanovic, M, & Jezernik, K (2011). Discrete-event switching control for buck converter based on the FPGA. ...
The available documentations here are translated from the Chinese version, in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Chinese verison of these documents and any translated version, the Chinese version shall control. The translated version might not demonstrate the latest Chinese version...
摘要:verilog signed to unsigned offset binary 背景 有符号数据的最高bit 是 符号位,通常有符号数据都用补码来表示。补码就是该数绝对值的原码取反 再加1 得到,取补码的原因是为了把减法操作变成加法操作,便于电路实现。 但是在HDL语言中处理有符号数据比较麻烦,H阅读全文 ...
In this paper we present a single FPGA chip implementation of a NOC based shared memory multiprocessor system with 24 processors connected to a main memory composed of 4 DDR2 banks. All the processors and DDR2 memories are connected to a NOC through Open