EasyCDR®-Tailored Solutions to Meet Your Specific Needs White Paper 2024-07-18 download Mitigating Single-Event Upsets (SEUs) in FPGA-A Comparative Analysis White Paper 2024-07-18 download Addressing Data Aggregation Communication Challenges in Battery-Operated Environments with GW1NZ FPGA Dev...
在FPGA 上运行 eBPF XDP 应用 这篇文章是对 OSDI20 的 Best Paper hXDP: Efficient Software Packet Processing onFPGANICs 的阅读笔记,感兴趣的同学可以点击阅读原文查看论文的 paper,slide 和 video。 FPGA 目前已经成为数据中心和公有云进行硬件网络加速的一个重要手段,而 XDP 是Linux社区提供的一个通过 eBPF ...
Lattice Semiconductor is the low power programmable leader, solving customer problems, and enabling designers to innovate across multiple applications.
This paper presents the general concept of using SoC FPGA systems to support the CPU (Central Processing Unit) in many modern tasks. While some tasks might be really hard to implement on an FPGA in a reasonable time, the SoC FPGA platform allows for easy low-level interconnections, and with...
Cite this paper Payal, R., Singh, A.P. (2022). Synthesis of KNN Algorithm in FPGA Technology. In: Chakravarthy, V.V.S.S.S., Flores-Fuentes, W., Bhateja, V., Biswal, B. (eds) Advances in Micro-Electronics, Embedded Systems and IoT. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 838...
Rock/Paper/Scissors - 石头/剪刀/布 设计了一个两人玩的石头剪刀布游戏,可在两个独立的 Altera DE2 板上玩。该系统通过 NTSC 摄像头获取石头剪刀布输入,通过 RS-232 与另一个 DE2 通信,并使用 Nios II 处理器将所有相关输出打印到 VGA 屏幕上。
IT之家5 月 22 日消息,Modos 推出 Modos Paper Monitor 60Hz 电子墨水屏显示器与 Modos Development Kit 开发套件,方案现已开源。 据介绍,Modos Paper Monitor 是一款13.3 英寸 1600 x 1200 分辨率的 E-Ink 显示器,支持 60Hz 刷新率,可通过 HDMI 与 USB-C 接口连接,支持 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 操作系...
据统计,2014至2023这十年间,被FPGA正式录取的工作中,来自中国研究团队主导的文章不足20篇。今年,FPGA 收到来自世界各地研究团队投稿90篇,最终收录23篇,录取率约为25.6%。其中Long Paper 19篇,Short Paper 4篇,本次无问芯穹团队被录取的工作FlightLLM属于Long Paper。