作者: 赵伟华 摘要: 一,播前种子处理为促进种子发芽,预防病虫害,播种前要进行种子处理,种子处理主要是指温汤浸种和种子消毒.温汤浸种可以使种子充分吸水,氧气容易透过种皮,有助于原生质的活动和种子贮存物质的转化与运输,促进种子在适温下快萌发,早出苗.温汤浸种的方法是:用种子量5~6倍的温水浸种,55℃水温保持20...
PURPOSE: To provide a pressurizing device for a stress cone, which is capable of keeping an interface pressure between the stress cone and a cable core in constant, by a method wherein pressure abutment between the stress cone and the cable core or especially sufficient pressure abutment betwee...
作者: 柏巧玲 摘要: 针灸治疗小儿腹泻30例报告柏巧玲100053中国中医研究院广安门医院小儿腹泻是夏季多发病,近年来笔者采用针灸疗法治疗30例患儿,疗效满意,现介绍如下.1临床资料30例中男18例,女12例.年龄最大5岁,最小1岁.共同特点是由于饮食不节,寒凉损伤脾胃功... DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZLYS.0.1994-06-043 年份:...
The arbitrariness of the linguistic sign is a key semiological concept.Saussure's Course in General Linguistics presented it,particularly in the context of the opposition between absolute and relative arbitrariness,as an irrational principle.The paper is an attempt to answer the questions of how exact...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To solve the problem of the irregular surfaces of a conventional rail in such a manner that the irregularities of the rail not only accumulate soil and sand and dust singly but also are a hindrance to the passage of a physically handicapped person and the aged although...
Improving the efficiency of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is the ultimate goal of the researchers with thermodynamic background. As the "blood" of ORC, the working fluid plays a vital role to the improvement of the performance. The thermos-physical properties parameters, transport parameters and oth...