J. H. Clark, "Catalysis for Green Chemistry," Pure and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 73, No. 1, 2001, pp. 103-111. doi:10.1351/pac200173010103J. H. Clark, "Catalysis for Green Chem...
发货地 广东深圳 商品类型 电子元器件 、 电路保护 、 保险元器件/熔丝/保险丝座/断路器/保险管 商品关键词 FP-14(16H)-1.27-05 IC测试座 ENPLAS进口测试、 ENPLAS、 ENPLAS进口测试座 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: ENPLAS 封装: ENPLAS进口测试座 批号: 2020+ 数量: 352 RoHS: 是 产品种类: 电子...
P. E. Grolier: `Modification of the glass tran- sitions of polymers by high-pressure gas solubility', J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys., 2005, 77, 593-603.S.A.E. ...
K. TsudaQuellenangabe Pure & Applied ChemistryGensch T, Tsuda K, Dol GC, Latterini L, Weener J-W, Schenning APHJ, et al. Microscopy and optical manipulation of dendri- mer-built ves...
NietzscheFoucaultBenjaminhistorygenealogyIn the course of the nineteenth century, the new scientific approach to history turned the past into a passive object of knowledge. This approach betrayed a strategy of domination, as it endowed certain inter...
are listed. Some examples of applications to "optical power limiting" substances, photoresponsive materials, and photoswitchable biomaterials are considered.Heinz DürrQuellenangabe Pure & Appli...
Synthesis of Coumarins by Ring-closing Metathesis. Chatterjee, A. K.,Toste, F. D.,Goldberg, S. D.,Grubbs, R. H. Pure and Applied Chemistry . 2003Tuyen Nguyen Van,Silvia D...
direct substitutionindiumsiliconsilyl etherAn In(III)/Si catalyst system effects the direct allyl substitution of alcohols and silyl ethers under mild conditions. A deoxygenation of alc...