在日本一些知名IT企业例如富士通、NTTドコモ平均年薪为800万日元左右。 据世界最大薪酬统计网站PayScale统计表示,日本程序员目前最低年薪为200万日元,最高1000万日元,中层400万日元左右居多,整体平均年薪在430万日元,约人民币23万左右。 完全算得上高薪工作了。 对于一些想要跨专业的同学们,其实也是个不错的选择哟。
aIf you are willing to pay the freight, we could provide you a Portable TV stand (RC-FP01A) free of charge for your checking quantity, packaging…. Our products absolutely have advantages compared to the big manufactories. Meantime, because of the small scale of the factory, more rigor ous...
(baseflow). Flood risk assessments are primarily undertaken at the macroscale or mesoscale; however, a microscale modeling is needed for a detailed assessment of crucial elements. Microscale modeling aims to conduct hazard and risk assessments at the scale of individual facilities or buildings, which...
2024-11-06T08:58:04Z The Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Travel With Your Dog Turns out you can take your furriest family member on adventures outside your backyard. 2024-11-05T18:48:03Z 50 cozy towns across America for the perfect winter holiday ...