Strictly speaking from a scientific point of view, Jupiter and Saturn, the gas giants of our solar system, play a part in keeping asteroids away from us because of their gravities affecting one another (though there’s a caveat with that but that’s for a different discussion). And Venus,...
base: core20 gradecan be eitherstableordevel. If it’sdevel, the store will prevent you from releasing into one of the two stable channels (stableandcandidate, specifically). If it’sstable, you can release it anywhere. confinementcan bestrict,devmode, orclassic.strictenforces confinement, whe...
It’s intriguing to note that Foxy Brown is so much the prime mover here that we don’t even see her love interest’s face until a doctor comes in to bandage it. (He’s had some surgery done to obscure his identity from his undercover work.) His face — and his name — don’t...