FOXPRO Inc. is a manufacturer of high quality products. We specialize in hunting gear and accessories and a variety of digital game calls that are proudly manufactured in the USA
FOXPRO digital game calls, predator lights and decoys are now available at or by calling (570) 368-3920.
Since _vfp and _screen are always present, per this documentation calls of SetProcessDPIAware() and similar should always be too late. I guess that advice can be ignored, as it is works. On the other hand manifest embedding therefore is recommendable, isn't it? Chriss Upvote 0 Downvote ...
The Minesweeper pane is a Visual FoxPro version of the Windows minesweeper game. This pane also displays rich Visual FoxPro controls. However, instead of the pane definition being stored in a class library file (.vcx), it is defined in a program file called Mines.prg located in the pane ca...