Foxp3 +CD4 + T cells represent a population of naturally arising suppressor T cells that are crucial for the control of autoimmune responses. The suppressive activity of this T cell subset relies on multiple mechanisms that include secretion of anti-inflammatory factors such as TGF-尾 or IL-10...
在本研究中,AML患者外周血CD4+Foxp3+Tregs占CD4+T细胞的比例显著高于健康对照组外周血(6.171%±0.292%vs.2.437%±0.144%,t=4.652,P<0.000 1)(图1和图2);根据WHO分型标准对AML患者进行分型,研究Tregs在各个亚型的变化,结果表明AML患者外...
目的 探讨诱导CD4+Foxp3+调节性T细胞(regulatory T cells,Tregs)表达的机制及其在移植耐受中可能的作用.方法 构建新生移植耐受小鼠动物模型,分析移植耐受与同种异体反应性T细胞,Tregs表达及嵌合体的关系;运用过继转移实验,EGFP转基因小鼠,研究移植排斥过程中Tregs表达及抗原特异性.结果 新生耐受小鼠形成嵌合体,同种异体反...
Foxp3可能是CD4 + CD25 + 调节性T细胞的一个特征性标志。 关键词CD4 + CD25 + 调节性T细胞;Foxp3;免疫调节 文章编号1673-4394(2006)02-0065-04中图分类号R392.11文献标识码A ControlofCD4 + CD25 + RegulatoryTCellDevelopmentandFuncitionbythe CriticalGeneFoxp3 ...
目的:检测人外周血CD4+Foxp3+T淋巴细胞新的功能亚群,并分析其与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的关系。 方法:以Foxp3.FITC、CD45RA.PE、CD3一ECD、CD4一PC7、CD25.PC5抗体组合采用五色流式细胞仪检测2l例活动期 SLE患者和22例健康体检者(正常对照组)外周血CD4Foxp3q'淋巴细胞亚群。根据CD45RA和Foxp3的不同表达 ...
tests;***P < 0.001, **P < 0.005.d, Transcriptional activity of FOXP3. CD4+T cells were retrovirally transduced to express FOXP3, and its transcriptional activity was analysed by measuring the protein levels of the known target genesCTLA4andCD25using fluorescence-activated cell sorting ...
da Silva2,5,6, Luciana Souza de Paiva2,4,7, Alberto Nóbrega1, Maria Bellio1 & Rita Fucs2,7 Intestinal inflammation can be induced by the reconstitution of T/B cell-deficient mice with low numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes depleted of CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg...
为了确定 6-OHDA 诱导的外周 CD4 + FoxP3 + T 细胞增加的机制,我们认为 Treg 的增加可能是由于 6-OHDA 通过将 T 效应细胞“转化”为Treg 表型。或者,6-OHDA 可能影响诱导 Treg 的其他因素,或者在 6-OHDA 处理后可能会增...
CD4~+Foxp3~+Helios~-T cells诱导CD4~+T细胞耗竭在小鼠Lewis肺癌中的作用 Treg细胞通过诱导CD4+T细胞耗竭,抑制免疫系统的免疫监视功能,促进肺癌的生长,侵袭及转移.靶向CD4+Foxp3+Helios-Treg细胞的免疫生物治疗并结合其他治疗手段将为肺癌的... 王金岩,王艺铮,Ayinla Abdulquadri Yeketi,... - 全国肿瘤生物治疗...
The spleen cells were harvested and the percentage of CD4(superscript +) CD25(superscript +) T cell in CD4(superscript +) was detected with flow cytometer. The level of Foxp3 mRNA and protein expression spleen tissue were assessed by RT-PCR and Western blot respectively. Results: The ...