Foxit Reader es unprograma de lectura y edición de archivos PDF. Destaca, principalmente, por lo poco que tarda en cargar este tipo de documentos, en lo cual supera incluso aAdobe Reader DC. También genera ficheros de tamaño muy reducido, cuenta con soporte multilingüe y dispone delicenc...
Foxit Reader is primarilyaPDFreader, also enabling you to create PDFs, sign them, edit them, and add annotations. It works across operating systems, featuring plugins for various programs from the Microsoft Office package, which makes it extremely flexible and useful for anyone who often tackles ...
Foxit Reader for Windows Foxit Readerfor Mac Free In English V2024.4.0.27683 3.5 (64) Free Downloadfor Mac Adobe Reader DC Adobe’s comprehensive free PDF reader and editor Alternatives toFoxit Reader 3.7 Free 3 Paid PDF Editor Mac 1.8 ...
Foxit Reader Portableis thelightweight and portableversion ofFoxit Reader. PDF (Portable Document Format) is now one of the most ubiquitous document formats on the net. The problem is thatAdobe Readeris both bulky and slow. Foxit Reader Portable on the other hand is light and quick. The proo...
JIS Z8203-2000 国际单位制(SI)及其组合形式和某些其它单位的使用推荐规程 (如无法正确阅读Foxit Reader打开) 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 879.03K 文档页数: 22页 顶/踩数: 0 / 0 收藏人数: 2 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 行业资料 -- 轻工业/手工业 系统标签: jis foxit reader 规程 cgpm...