您将收到软件序列号以激活额外内容和相关链接供您从Wacom账户(https://account.wacom.com)“优惠”栏目下载Foxit PDF Editor。 在选择“优惠”栏目的Foxit PDF Editor后,您需要选择偏好操作系统,并点击“兑换”按钮,以获取Foxit PDF Editor的12个月使用许可。 然后,点击“开启试用”按钮,唯一序列号将自动填入兑换链...
Foxit PDF Editor (12 months)” from Foxit Software Inc (www.foxit.com) with a 12-month’s license. Every essential document tool you need to easily create, edit and share PDFs, all in one easy-to-use platform. Foxit is great for highlighting and taking notes on a PDF, drawing, cir...
Foxit PDF Editor (3 months)” from Foxit Software Inc. (www.foxit.com) with a 3-month’s license. Every essential document tool you need to easily create, edit and share PDFs, all in one easy-to-use platform. Foxit is great for highlighting and taking notes on a PDF, drawing, cir...
Foxit PDF Editor (12 months)” from Foxit Software Inc (www.foxit.com) with a 12-month’s license. Every essential document tool you need to easily create, edit and share PDFs, all in one easy-to-use platform. Foxit is great for highlighting and taking notes on a PDF, drawing, cir...